Keywords: spirituality, morality, values, education system, problems, spiritual and moral education.


The article examines the problematic field of the spiritual and moral dimension of education, which influences the formation of values, ethical guidelines, and the worldview of the younger generation against the backdrop of dynamic socio-cultural, technological, and crisis-driven global changes that pose numerous challenges to the educational system. Educational institutions often focus on academic achievements, neglecting the spiritual and moral component of education, leading to the spiritual decline and alienation of youth. The author emphasizes the need to integrate spiritual and moral aspects into the educational system to foster responsible, morally mature individuals. Only awareness of the importance of this issue through a systematic approach to problem identification and subsequent solutions can strategies be developed to nurture spiritually rich and morally resilient citizens capable of positively impacting societal development. Among the most systemic issues highlighted are the ambiguity of spiritual orientations in modern education, which obscures the overall direction of educational development; the conflict between the spiritual and material dimensions of education, creating a disconnect between knowledge as a collection of information and wisdom as the ability to live consciously; insufficient attention to the development of an individual's inner world, which doesn’t facilitate conscious and spiritually balanced decision-making, that helps avoid impulsive actions, and enhances self-awareness; spiritual alienation, that has become the foundation of widespread immoral phenomena like bullying; fragmentation of existing spiritual guidelines, depriving the value space of modern education of a shared integral basis; lack of moral and spiritual training among educators, resulting in a formal or superficial approach to understanding the value dimension of education and the inability to serve as spiritual authorities for students; challenges related to information technologies that create a range of moral dilemmas. The conclusion drawn is that a comprehensive systemic understanding of the problematic field of the spiritual and moral aspect in modern education is a multifaceted task that requires a complex approach for its resolution, which can serve as a basis for further scientific exploration.


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How to Cite
ROHOVA, O. (2024). PROBLEMS OF THE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DIMENSION OF А MODERN EDUCATION. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 62-70.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy