Keywords: intellectual creation, information and communication tools for learning, thinking, worldview, «technological singularity», artificial intelligence.


The article discusses the most important issues of the philosophy of education in the context of the development of information and communication technologies. In the process of analyzing the informatization of the educational process, it is concluded that this process cannot be limited to the formal side of using high technologies - they should differ not only in «scientific content», but also in «human dimension», implement not only the functions of computerization and medialization, but and the task of the process of intellectualization, aimed at the growth of the intellectual potential of the individual and society, to provide not only a technocratic, but also a humanitarian approach, in which information technology is considered an important part of human life, and the philosophy of education considers the issue of the existence of the education system in relation to the problems of culture, spirituality, civilizational development in general and global problems, the nature of the spiritual development of the individual. It is emphasized that a person can preserve a chance for existence in the context of interaction with super-powerful artificial intelligence if he or she retains the motivation for creativity and intellectual leadership, but the solution to this issue depends on overcoming the possible «future shock», his or her ability to adapt in the context of the «cybernetic revolution» and «technological singularity», when technological progress becomes unmanageable and irreversible. Recommendations are given on the restructuring of consciousness and value orientations of the worldview in order to preserve the social activity of a person, his or her desire for intellectual leadership. The problem of loss of non-verbal means of communication, expressiveness when conducting classes using informational and communicative means of information and distance learning is analyzed, attention is drawn to the need to use active learning methods. Since working with large amounts of information can lead to a loss of ability to concentrate and difficulties in thinking at an abstract level, the task of developing search activity, critical and problem thinking is considered. In order to bring a person out of the state of «immersion in virtual space», certain attempts are made to determine the practical direction of the educational process in the «knowledge society».


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How to Cite
MISHCHENKO, V., HORODYSKA, O., & DYSHKANT, T. (2024). EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: HOW TO ENSURE PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT?. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 51-61.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy