The article deals with the state of the Eternal of a person as a certain state of mental life. Attention is paid to the development of the characteristics of the Eternal state. The connection between the characteristics of the Eternal state of a person and salvation is shown. Such concepts as the state of the Eternal and salvation are substantiated. The content of the leading concepts of the problem is revealed. Generalized qualities of the very state of the Eternal of a person. The main focus is on the notion that the state of the Eternal is a compensatory insight that destroys all human motives. From destroyed motives, a person freezes and stops. This stop is for the good, because unimportant, not the main ones are destroyed; the motives that distract a person from the main thing, that tempts him or her, are destroyed. The attention is focused on the fact that in the state of the Eternal, a person stops and freezes without any desires or motivations. But when there is a threat to a person from the outside, the person starts to act. This happens because in the state of the Eternal, a person retains the urge to be saved. All other motivations are destroyed. Attention is paid to the fact that the motivation for salvation cannot be secondary and unimportant. This is also evidenced by religious and mystical culture in general. The problem of salvation is considered in Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. That is, we are talking about what is important in motives, and what is important in human desires. There is a connection with salvation issues. There is a state of trance, a state of ecstasy, a state of inspiration, a state of insight. But there is a state of the Eternal. In the holy scriptures (Vedas, Avesta, Tripitaka, Tao Te Ching, Torah, Bible, Koran), it is God. It is referred to in different ways (Nirvana, Samadhi, Satori). But this is the state of ETERNITY, in which all motives are violated, but the motive for salvation remains in the depths of the soul. Creativity destroys the obsolete. Destruction cleanses the brain of the obsolete. Destruction clears space for the new. In the moment of creativity, destruction gives rise to something new. A person shapes himself by looking at himself critically. Attention is paid to the fact that a person paves the way to higher states of consciousness. And self-critical awareness is vital. The state of the Eternal (Eternity) arises by chance. Documentary evidence suggests a name for this phenomenon. Documentary evidence speaks of «imperishability». The state of the Eternal comes to a person spontaneously and accidentally. Attention is paid to the fact that this is a compensation process. The state of the Eternal is a compensatory insight. But the focus is on compensating for weak will. A person destroys his/her desires. A person destroys his/her impulses. They are a nuisance. They prevent you from moving towards your goal. They are an obstacle on the way to the state of Eternity. The author considers the notion that self-criticism purifies. It is emphasised that self-criticism still activates the condition. Self-criticism is still stimulating. Attention is paid to the fact that self-criticism still stimulates the Eternal. The Eternal arises by chance. It arises spontaneously. The struggle stops in the human soul. A person masters himself/herself. The author considers the idea that people destroy what is unnecessary in themselves. They restrain their desires. They engage in self-criticism every day. It is emphasised that they do self-criticism every day. This is the reason for the state of Eternity. This is the reason for the emergence of the state of Eternity. But the state of Eternity arises by chance.
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