The article explores the mechanisms and philosophical foundations behind implementing academic integrity as a form of social control. The significance of academic integrity lies in fostering moral responsibility and establishing basic standards of behavior within educational and scientific environments. The author illustrates the connection between Aristotle's ethics of the good, Immanuel Kant's autonomous ethics, and Hans Jonas's ethics of responsibility in contemporary models of academic integrity. It is demonstrated that academic integrity functions through both internal mechanisms (self-control) and external mechanisms (monitoring) and is an essential component of the institutional framework. This perspective resonates with Michel Foucault's ideas about social institutions serving as disciplinary mechanisms that influence human behavior through oversight and sanctions. Rules, standards, and codes of ethics are vital normative tools for implementing academic integrity policies. The effectiveness of social control in the form of approval or support, which plays a motivational role in decision-making by members of the academic community, is proved. It is highlighted that integrity is based on conscious self-reflection and a commitment to ethical action; however, it is equally important to promote social, moral, and value-based models of virtuous behavior. Given that academic integrity is shaped by social norms and community expectations, the necessity of building a system of sustainable academic traditions arises. Adhering to the principles of academic integrity fosters order in educational institutions and scientific communities. However, its effectiveness hinges on the balance between external influences and internal ethical beliefs as mechanisms of both formal and informal social control. The crucial roles of trust and responsibility in upholding academic integrity are emphasized. The individual responsibility of each member of the academic or scientific community is a consequence of shared trust and establishes an obligation to act with integrity not only in personal decisions but also in the long-term preservation of common standards of activity.
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