Keywords: inclusive competence, inclusive education, competence, competency, components of inclusive competence, special education, special education specialists.


The article defines and substantiates the problem of forming inclusive competence of future special education specialists; leading categories are defined as «competence», «competency», «inclusive competence». The theoretical sources and the practical state of elucidating the essence of the phenomenon of inclusive competence of future special education specialists in the process of professional training have been studied and analyzed; the theoretical and methodical foundations were substantiated and the components of the inclusive competence of future special education specialists were developed (components, criteria); the stages of the method of formation of inclusive competence of future special education specialists in the process of professional readiness for practical work in the conditions of inclusion are outlined. It was found that inclusive competence is an integrative characteristic of the level of preparedness of future special education specialists for the joint education of children with different cognitive abilities in the conditions of preschool and general secondary education institutions, which is based on the theoretical and methodological experience necessary for the implementation of correctional and pedagogical activities, the ability to analyze and predict its effectiveness to achieve a pedagogically significant result. The components of the inclusive competence of future special education specialists to work with children with special needs have been identified and analyzed. The following are chosen as the main components of inclusive competence: personal-motivational, cognitive-content, evaluative-reflective and technological components. It was determined that the training of a future special education specialist to work with children with special educational needs should be provided with thorough knowledge, which is mainly determined by the structure and social factors of psychophysical disorders; corrective work methodology and its evaluation criteria; corrective element of ways of using special didactic methods; methods of designing and implementing corrective tasks depending on the type of violation, as well as variants of modification of modern educational technologies for training the future specialist in special education.


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How to Cite
KUZAVA, I. (2024). FORMATION OF INCLUSIVE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIALISTS. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 160-166.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy