Keywords: prevention, health care, deviation, educational reforms, values, personality.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of preventive education as a component and mechanism of health protection based on domestic scientific research. It is shown that a huge number of risks for Ukrainian society and every citizen create a situation when only systemic and preventive reorientation in the educational sphere can become a condition for overcoming very real threats to the mental, spiritual and physical health of people with the production of social alienation of the younger generation and massive behavioral destructiveness, which together threaten the destruction of both society and the individual. It is argued that the risks of the media and information society and the threats of an information war in the conditions of Russia's external aggression require the creation of an effective and integrated system of preventing deviant behavior among the younger generation by means of educational means. The principle feature of this model of preventive and educational activity is its attribution in relation to the entire educational process in general within the more general goal of forming the spiritual culture of education seekers. Health protection is one of the priority guidelines for the formation of a system of preventive and educational influence on the younger generation and society that is effective in modern conditions, in particular, in the context of the reforms of the New Ukrainian School. Preventive education is understood as a complex and purposeful influence on the individual in the course of the latter's active and dynamic interaction with various social institutions, primarily educational. Accordingly, prevention should be a component of any socio-pedagogical process as a meaningful attribute that significantly enhances the positive content of sociocentric potential and intersubjective interaction of education. In any case, preventive educational activity is based on the principles of the New Ukrainian School with an emphasis on a person-oriented approach and competence training. Educational goals are related to the formation of a system of values and life skills that allow individuals to independently determine constructive and meaningful life priorities for their own development, self-realization, and behavior patterns.


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How to Cite
LAVROVA, L., BRATANICH, B., & SILOSHENKO, I. (2024). PREVENTIVE EDUCATION AS A SYSTEMIC COMPONENT OF HEALTH CARE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 105-113.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy