Keywords: pedagogy of partnership, competence, teacher of a general secondary education institution, pedagogical professionalism.


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the concept of pedagogical partnership as a component of the pedagogical professionalism of a modern teacher. It was determined that the pedagogical partnership is aimed at the active cooperation of teachers with students, their parents, other teachers and specialists in the field of education. In the context of the modern development of society, with its heightened requirements for flexibility, tolerance and cooperation, competence in the field of pedagogical partnership becomes a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the educational system. In the process of research and experimental work on the topic «Development of a model for the implementation of partnership pedagogy on the basis of the competence approach in general secondary education institutions of the Dnipropetrovsk region» for the years 2023-2026, it was determined that the implementation of partnership pedagogy in general secondary education institutions will be effective under the following conditions: implementation of competence approach as the basis of partnership pedagogy; development and experimental verification of an organizational and pedagogical model for the implementation of partnership pedagogy based on the competence approach; educational and methodological support for the implementation of the ideas of partnership pedagogy in institutions of general secondary education. It was determined that partnership, as a clearly defined system of relationships between all participants of the educational process, aims to: stimulate creative search and development of the ability to perceive problems and find effective ways to solve them; establishing a priority for cooperation and joint creativity as the main principle of relations; modernization of forms and methods of education and upbringing to ensure adaptability to modern demands and needs of society. The main indicators that determine partnership relations in the teacher-teacher system are defined: the teachers’ understanding of their goals, tasks, opportunities and, more broadly, the development of professional reflection, which helps to realize «who I am as a professional and as a person»; acceptance by the teacher of the experience of another teacher, which can be expressed in the implementation of partnership relations; the ability to communicate with each other, expressed, in particular, in the ability to overcome inevitable conflicts; in the ability to generally see a certain development of relations in the very phenomenon of conflict; the ability for joint creativity; professional and personal movement from the attitude «I am the bearer of the only true knowledge» to the attitude «I am one of many professionals and unique personalities». It has been proven that the development of pedagogical partnership competence among teachers is a necessary prerequisite for improving the quality of the educational process and increasing the level of pedagogical professionalism. Teachers who have a high level of this competence show a greater inclination to cooperate with other participants in the educational process, show greater openness in interaction and perception of various pedagogical approaches.


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How to Cite
MOTUZ, T., LUKIANCHENKO, S., & PISKOVENKO, A. (2024). PEDAGOGICAL PARTNERSHIP AS A STRATEGIC COMPONENT OF PROFESSIONALISM IN EDUCATION. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 1(1), 78-85.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy