The article is devoted to the analysis of the historical foundations and theoretical foundations of the formation of effective foundations of modern national-patriotic education in the contexts of war and peace. Particular attention is paid to revealing the internal dialectic and tragedy of the self-assertion of the Ukrainian idea during the times of enslavement and colonization. The article proves that even when the Ukrainian intelligentsia, trying to balance between East and West, could not decide on national priorities, dividing Ukraine between Muscovites and the Polish nobility, the leading role of preserving and transmitting national meanings was assigned to folk art, which even through the ages has preserved its creative potential and the power of initiative. It has been proven that heroic epics contain experiences of cultural and social traumas, as well as deep philosophical reflections on the strength of the national character, the ability to sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland. The author hopes that this will allow not only to find out the actual significance of the historical-cultural component in the strategies of national-patriotic education, but also to carry out a methodological procedure for distinguishing effective and appellate patriotism on a practical level, which will allow developing a comprehensive program of actualizing the transhistorical meanings of national-patriotic education and military-patriotic education in modern educational practices. Undoubtedly, the use of the heuristic potential of the national tradition as a guide for the development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of patriotic education requires a critical reflection of the experience of their theoretical understanding in the problematic field of the philosophy of education and philosophical anthropology. This will make it possible to identify pathologies and minimize the risks of resuscitation of totalitarian practices in the education of patriots. The identified features and specifics of the implementation of national-patriotic education in wartime will allow the transition from the policy of duty to the policy of responsibility. It is noted that an important role is played by the actualization of the semantics of heroization, militarization and the formation of a positive topos of a serviceman.
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