• Kateryna HLIANENKO «Dnipro Vocational College of Engineering and Pedagogy» State Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical and Technological University» https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3008-9291
Keywords: didactic principles, visibility, independence, connection between theory and practice, accessibility.


The article analyzes developments on the application of didactic principles in the process of professional training of future teachers of pedagogical disciplines for the innovative technologies use. The conditions and ways of implementing the specified didactic principles are revealed. The following didactic principles are highlighted and systematized: the principle of scientificity; the principle of accessibility of education; the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of strength of knowledge, abilities and skills; the principle of visibility; the principle of connection between theory and practice; the principle of consciousness, activity, independence. It is emphasised that the classical principles of didactics in the methodological system with the use of innovative technologies have their own specifics. A discipline using innovative technologies is subject to a number of requirements in the design process: psychological, reflecting the patterns of knowledge acquisition; scientific, reflecting the scientific orientation in the discipline; related to future professional activities reflected in the model of specialist training; software, designing curricula or selecting software methodology for use at a certain stage of the educational process. For the successful implementation of the proposed principles, the following conditions must be met: a high level of organization of the educational process using innovative technologies; the use of appropriate means that stimulate the emergence and development of motivation among future teachers of pedagogical disciplines to use innovative technologies in all types of cognitive activity; systematization of knowledge and skills in the application of innovative technologies in the process of studying a special course; acquisition of future teachers of pedagogical disciplines with the experience of using innovative technologies during social-pedagogical and propaedeutic practices; ensuring the emotionality of learning and creating a favorable atmosphere in the process of educational activities. It is noted that the use of innovative technologies should be carried out taking into account the classical didactic principles that are implemented in the process of training in the conditions of traditional education.


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How to Cite
HLIANENKO, K. (2024). DIDACTIC PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING FUTURE TEACHERS FOR THE USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 32-35. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7013-2023-2-7
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy