Keywords: discussion on the history of knowledge, philosophical discussion, method of knowledge, dialogue, sophists, conversation.


The article is devoted to the study of the debate in the history of philosophical knowledge. The approaches to the problem of the discussion of the greatest philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, etc. are analyzed. The features of discourse in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and modern times have been determined. It is established that an important reason for the development of the discussion is the fact that ancient thinkers already began to realize the internal dialectical nature of material, natural, social processes and phenomena. Philosophy, more than any other field of knowledge, needs debate. Where there is no freedom of discussion, there is no true philosophy. Truth is born in controversy. There is probably no other axiom as universally known as this one. But there is no other human activity to which such diametrically opposite evaluations would be applied. Some called the dispute their fate, their element, others avoided it. Kant and Galileo felt pleasure in the struggle of ideas. Newton and Darwin shied away from disputes and polemics, believing that, apart from wasting time and bad mood, they lead to nothing. But both of them sought the truth. In order to find out the truth, it is necessary to study both positions, we need a discussion that communicates not opponents, but interlocutors, and everyone strives not to win, but to reach an agreement, to mutual understanding, through the analysis and synthesis of opinions, to the unity of views on the problem. Therefore, a discussion, a dialogue, a dialectical conversation will lead to the truth (or to a single goal) faster than a dispute saturated with emotional obstacles, temperamental outbursts, the desire to offend the opponent, to strike him more painfully and to defend his opinion by any means. And the fiercer the heat of passions, the more stubborn opponents who convince in their views, the further they depart from the truth. In the course of the discussion, non-traditional approaches to solving complex problems are developed, specific practical proposals and generalizations are made, and proposed initiatives are evaluated. Discussions awaken people's activity and interest, increase mutual demands, self-criticism, strengthen control over the implementation of specific decisions. The article examines some of the main philosophical discussions, conversations, debates during which different views and points of view collided.


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How to Cite
STRILKO, D., & PERUN, S. (2024). DISCUSSION IN THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHICAL KNOWLEDGE. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 28-31. https://doi.org/10.54891/2786-7013-2023-2-6
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy