Keywords: metamodern, postmodern, truth, truе, post-truth, oscillation.


The phenomenon of post-truth is studied in the context of the metamodern cultural paradigm based on its oscillatory specificity, as an oscillation between the values of the modern and their denial by the postmodern, where the modern acts as a strategy, and the postmodern as a tactic of worldview-philosophical realizations. The purpose of the article is to identify the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the post-truth phenomenon in the information field of metamodern culture. The worldview characteristics of metamodernism are defined in the study as oscillation, individualization, atopy, ‘new sincerity’ which create grounds for the flourishing of post-truth in the mosaic picture of the information space. The study presents the prerequisites for the formation of post-truth in the era of metamodernity, which are determined by the formation of the theory of truth in the continental philosophy of the 20th century and the total digitalization of the information space that is formed according to the non-linear principle of rhizome thinking. The analysis of foreign and domestic literature records an increase in interest in the research issues of metamodern, while determining the dominance of the artistic aspect of the modern cultural age in accordance with the ‘neo-romantic turn’. The study of the phenomenon of post-truth requires the activation of research on the part of political metamodern and its interpretations in the context of digitalization of the information space. The theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the phenomenon of post-truth are the rethinking of the criteria of truth in the phenomenology of E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, А. Arend, as well as epistemological studies of postmodernism represented by the views of W. Benjamin, G. Deleuze, A. Badiou and J. Lacan. On the basis of postmodern skepticism and nihilism regarding the possibilities of understanding the absolute truth, conditions are formed for replacing truth with truth which is allowed in the form of free interpretations as a prerequisite for the emergence of the phenomenon of post-truth. Against the background of the philosophical search for truth and the tendency to subjectify the methodology of its discovery, postmodernity contributes to the separation of the concept of truth from the philosophical concept of truth and forms the basis for the legitimization of post-truth as an oscillating position of the metamodern between truth and falsehood.


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How to Cite
MECHYKOV, S. (2024). THEORETICAL PREREQUISITES OF THE FORMATION OF THE PHENOMENON OF POST-TRUTH IN THE SPACE OF METAMODERN. Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy, 2(2), 15-18.
Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy