Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp <p><img src="/public/site/images/visnuk_admin/титул_Вісника_-_ФП2.png" width="266" height="354"></p> <p>"DNIPRO ACADEMY OF CONTINUING EDUCATION HERALD", Series "Philosophy. Pedagogy", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, 19.11.2021, certificate of state registration of mass media: series <a href="https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/downloads/journal-certificate-pp-2022.pdf">КВ № 25053-14993Р</a>. The periodical is intended for researchers, research and teaching staff of institutions of various types and forms of ownership, graduate students, students and anyone interested in scientific issues in the field of philosophy and pedagogy.</p> <p>In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 15.01.2018 No. 32 "On Approval of the Procedure for Forming the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine", dated <a href="https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-rishen-atestacijnoyi-kolegiyi-ministerstva27042023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">27.04.2023 № &nbsp;491</a> and <a href="https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-rishen-atestacijnoyi-kolegiyi-ministerstva20062023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">20.06.2023 № 768</a> and <a href="https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-rishen-atestacijnoyi-kolegiyi-ministerstva-1543vid20122023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">20.12.2023 № 1543</a> "On Decisions on the Awarding of Academic Degrees and Conferment of Academic Titles and Amendments to the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine", the scientific publication "DNIPRO ACADEMY OF CONTINUING EDUCATION HERALD", series "Philosophy. Pedagogy", is included in category "B" in the following fields: philosophical sciences (specialty - <strong>033</strong>), Pedagogical Sciences (specialties: <strong>011</strong> Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, <strong>014</strong> Secondary Education (by subject specialties), <strong>015</strong> Vocational Education (by specialties).&nbsp; We invite you to cooperate.</p> Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education en-US Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy 2786-7013 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AS A FORM OF SOCIAL CONTROL: MECHANISMS AND PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/178 <p>The article explores the mechanisms and philosophical foundations behind implementing academic integrity as a form of social control. The significance of academic integrity lies in fostering moral responsibility and establishing basic standards of behavior within educational and scientific environments. The author illustrates the connection between Aristotle's ethics of the good, Immanuel Kant's autonomous ethics, and Hans Jonas's ethics of responsibility in contemporary models of academic integrity. It is demonstrated that academic integrity functions through both internal mechanisms (self-control) and external mechanisms (monitoring) and is an essential component of the institutional framework. This perspective resonates with Michel Foucault's ideas about social institutions serving as disciplinary mechanisms that influence human behavior through oversight and sanctions. Rules, standards, and codes of ethics are vital normative tools for implementing academic integrity policies. The effectiveness of social control in the form of approval or support, which plays a motivational role in decision-making by members of the academic community, is proved. It is highlighted that integrity is based on conscious self-reflection and a commitment to ethical action; however, it is equally important to promote social, moral, and value-based models of virtuous behavior. Given that academic integrity is shaped by social norms and community expectations, the necessity of building a system of sustainable academic traditions arises. Adhering to the principles of academic integrity fosters order in educational institutions and scientific communities. However, its effectiveness hinges on the balance between external influences and internal ethical beliefs as mechanisms of both formal and informal social control. The crucial roles of trust and responsibility in upholding academic integrity are emphasized. The individual responsibility of each member of the academic or scientific community is a consequence of shared trust and establishes an obligation to act with integrity not only in personal decisions but also in the long-term preservation of common standards of activity.</p> Olha VYSOTSKA Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 9 18 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-2 CHILD AND CHILDHOOD AS SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS: REVIEW OF MODERN THEORETICAL REFLECTIONS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/179 <p>The article examines the problems of a child and childhood in the context of the paradigm of the «new» sociology of childhood. The methodological guidelines of the «new» sociology of childhood, which tend to form interdisciplinary syntheses, determine the review of a child and childhood as social constructs. The legitimization of the idea of childhood as a social construct contributed to the growing attention to the social contexts in which a child's psychological and social development takes place. Considering children as active subjects, creators of their world is an attempt to overcome the dualism of differences between adults and children. In the context of this methodological guideline, the social phenomenology of childhood is clarified, and the appeal to children’s experience here and now is actualized and not from the position of children as adults in the future. This, in turn, prompts the rejection of ideas about childhood as a universal, biological stage of life. Conceptualization of a child as a subject, on the one hand, opens a perspective to study childhood in the modes of «being» (to be) and «becoming» (to become): in the mode of «being» a child is understood as separate, not treated as an object in the world, but a certain experience of time that each of us can have; the mode of «becoming» (to become) is based on the idea of the inadequacy and inferiority of children's existence. It is emphasized that the «new» sociology of childhood implements a double hermeneutic in understanding the problems of social reality in general and socialization processes in particular. The latter is understood in the communicative area as a search for consensus between adults and children, while a child interprets and actively reacts to the attitudes and actions of adults. This makes it possible to interpret the phenomenology of childhood as a period of meaning-making and active participation in the world. It is emphasized that the debatable issues regarding the multiplicity and uniqueness of forms of childhood are complicated by contradictory theoretical dichotomies: «a child as a subject» – «childhood as a constant of the social structure», childhood as a social construct – childhood as a natural (biological) given.</p> Mariana DROBOTENKO Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 19 24 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-3 ALAIN BADIOU'S ETHICAL CREDO IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTMODERN CULTURE https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/180 <p>The article attempts to reveal the main characteristic features and problematic points of A. Badiou's ethical doctrine as a cultural-historical phenomenon of the postmodern era. A systematic review of the role and place of ethics in modern philosophical discourse is introduced. The phenomenological and existential receptions of ethical dominants in the thinker's worldview are revealed. The philosopher's critical view on the problem of the subject of ethical relations is reflected. A. Badiou's attempt to construct a speculative model of an anti-universal system of values was noted. The attention is focused on the sensitive aspects of the epistemological potential of the philosopher's ethical credo. It is noted that the processes of ethical reflection are launched by French scientists on the conditions of abandoning the traditional expressions of the concept of «ethics» through the concepts of «man», «right», «other», which according to A. Badiou himself do not look appropriate and convenient due to their «speculativeness» (conjectural abstractness). The key aspects of the ethical and social modus operandi of a person in modern culture are analyzed. The fact of the narrowing of the ethical array due to the revision of the ontological foundations of classical European culture, a critical vision of I. Kant's ethical narratives is revealed. Attention is focused on the desire of the thinker to replace the fundamental ontological foundations of classical metaphysics with the idea of reproducing the uniqueness of the ontological situation. In contradiction to the sacred approach to universal ethical postulates, a secularized nihilistic essentially authorial postclassical project is proposed. This project reviews the main universals of culture (good, evil, existence, situation, subject, art, norm, and others). The author pays special attention to the outlined potential range of problematic issues of A. Badiou's ethical project, provoked by an anti-universal approach to the ethical norm: the erosion of the valuable classical axiological basis, methodological limitations in the analysis caused by post-structuralist attitudes. The author states that A. Badiou's ethical axioms are revealed by the thinker through their immanent nature, without relying on universal ethical grand narratives.</p> Tetiana BORISOVA Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 25 32 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-4 THE PHENOMENON OF WAR AS AN ELEMENT OF THE FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE'S GENERAL PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL VIEWS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/181 <p>The article analyzes the phenomenon of war as an integral component of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical and socio-political views. It is noted that Friedrich Nietzsche, in generally, positively assessed war in its various manifestations in the life of society, also considering it a natural, integral part of the social and individual existence of a human being. It is emphasized that this position of the philosopher in the philosophical-historical context had many supporters among famous Western philosophers of different times. In the analysis of Friedrich Nietzsche's direct ideas about war, it is concluded that these ideas have an irrational character with elements of psychologism and biologism. In this context, the organic connection of the irrationalist interpretation of the phenomenon of war with the general philosophical ideas of the thinker is emphasized. Directly, the connection between the idea of war and the Nietzschean concept of the will to power, the idea of superman, and the concept of Apollonian and Dionysian (rational and irrational) culture is pointed out. These Nietzschean ideas are also irrational in nature. In addition to the general philosophical context, the work also analyzes the more practical thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche regarding war as an integral part of socio-political and cultural processes in the history of European society. It is in this context that this work indicates that many of Friedrich Nietzsche's judgments about the content of the phenomenon of war and its impact on the life of society are useful. They help to understand more deeply and comprehensively the complex nature of the phenomenon of war, relying on psychological and biological considerations in addition to the irrational approach. It is indicated that the problem of war is used by the philosopher for a critical analysis of the problems of European society, which, according to Friedrich Nietzsche and many of his followers, is becoming more and more crisis-like with a tendency towards final self-destruction. It is noted that Friedrich Nietzsche himself saw rationalism as the main cause of this crisis, which, in his opinion, is most characteristic of the existing Western culture. It is concluded that despite some controversial aspects of Friedrich Nietzsche's views on the phenomenon of war, they, nevertheless, have a positive and promising character for the further understanding of this phenomenon. It is emphasized that in today's conditions, in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which is currently raging and has become a challenge not only for Ukrainian society, but also for all of humanity, it is necessary to use all possible tools to understand this problem, as well as to find ways to overcome it.</p> Alex ZAHARCHUK Yuliya PAZYNICH Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 33 42 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-5 THE STATE OF THE ETERNAL AS SALVATION https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/182 <p>The article deals with the state of the Eternal of a person as a certain state of mental life. Attention is paid to the development of the characteristics of the Eternal state. The connection between the characteristics of the Eternal state of a person and salvation is shown. Such concepts as the state of the Eternal and salvation are substantiated. The content of the leading concepts of the problem is revealed. Generalized qualities of the very state of the Eternal of a person. The main focus is on the notion that the state of the Eternal is a compensatory insight that destroys all human motives. From destroyed motives, a person freezes and stops. This stop is for the good, because unimportant, not the main ones are destroyed; the motives that distract a person from the main thing, that tempts him or her, are destroyed. The attention is focused on the fact that in the state of the Eternal, a person stops and freezes without any desires or motivations. But when there is a threat to a person from the outside, the person starts to act. This happens because in the state of the Eternal, a person retains the urge to be saved. All other motivations are destroyed. Attention is paid to the fact that the motivation for salvation cannot be secondary and unimportant. This is also evidenced by religious and mystical culture in general. The problem of salvation is considered in Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. That is, we are talking about what is important in motives, and what is important in human desires. There is a connection with salvation issues. There is a state of trance, a state of ecstasy, a state of inspiration, a state of insight. But there is a state of the Eternal. In the holy scriptures (Vedas, Avesta, Tripitaka, Tao Te Ching, Torah, Bible, Koran), it is God. It is referred to in different ways (Nirvana, Samadhi, Satori). But this is the state of ETERNITY, in which all motives are violated, but the motive for salvation remains in the depths of the soul. Creativity destroys the obsolete. Destruction cleanses the brain of the obsolete. Destruction clears space for the new. In the moment of creativity, destruction gives rise to something new. A person shapes himself by looking at himself critically. Attention is paid to the fact that a person paves the way to higher states of consciousness. And self-critical awareness is vital. The state of the Eternal (Eternity) arises by chance. Documentary evidence suggests a name for this phenomenon. Documentary evidence speaks of «imperishability». The state of the Eternal comes to a person spontaneously and accidentally. Attention is paid to the fact that this is a compensation process. The state of the Eternal is a compensatory insight. But the focus is on compensating for weak will. A person destroys his/her desires. A person destroys his/her impulses. They are a nuisance. They prevent you from moving towards your goal. They are an obstacle on the way to the state of Eternity. The author considers the notion that self-criticism purifies. It is emphasised that self-criticism still activates the condition. Self-criticism is still stimulating. Attention is paid to the fact that self-criticism still stimulates the Eternal. The Eternal arises by chance. It arises spontaneously. The struggle stops in the human soul. A person masters himself/herself. The author considers the idea that people destroy what is unnecessary in themselves. They restrain their desires. They engage in self-criticism every day. It is emphasised that they do self-criticism every day. This is the reason for the state of Eternity. This is the reason for the emergence of the state of Eternity. But the state of Eternity arises by chance.</p> Mykhailo MURASHKIN Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 43 50 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-6 EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: HOW TO ENSURE PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT? https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/183 <p>The article discusses the most important issues of the philosophy of education in the context of the development of information and communication technologies. In the process of analyzing the informatization of the educational process, it is concluded that this process cannot be limited to the formal side of using high technologies - they should differ not only in «scientific content», but also in «human dimension», implement not only the functions of computerization and medialization, but and the task of the process of intellectualization, aimed at the growth of the intellectual potential of the individual and society, to provide not only a technocratic, but also a humanitarian approach, in which information technology is considered an important part of human life, and the philosophy of education considers the issue of the existence of the education system in relation to the problems of culture, spirituality, civilizational development in general and global problems, the nature of the spiritual development of the individual. It is emphasized that a person can preserve a chance for existence in the context of interaction with super-powerful artificial intelligence if he or she retains the motivation for creativity and intellectual leadership, but the solution to this issue depends on overcoming the possible «future shock», his or her ability to adapt in the context of the «cybernetic revolution» and «technological singularity», when technological progress becomes unmanageable and irreversible. Recommendations are given on the restructuring of consciousness and value orientations of the worldview in order to preserve the social activity of a person, his or her desire for intellectual leadership. The problem of loss of non-verbal means of communication, expressiveness when conducting classes using informational and communicative means of information and distance learning is analyzed, attention is drawn to the need to use active learning methods. Since working with large amounts of information can lead to a loss of ability to concentrate and difficulties in thinking at an abstract level, the task of developing search activity, critical and problem thinking is considered. In order to bring a person out of the state of «immersion in virtual space», certain attempts are made to determine the practical direction of the educational process in the «knowledge society».</p> Viktor MISHCHENKO Olha HORODYSKA Tetiana DYSHKANT Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 51 61 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-7 PROBLEMS OF THE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DIMENSION OF А MODERN EDUCATION https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/184 <p>The article examines the problematic field of the spiritual and moral dimension of education, which influences the formation of values, ethical guidelines, and the worldview of the younger generation against the backdrop of dynamic socio-cultural, technological, and crisis-driven global changes that pose numerous challenges to the educational system. Educational institutions often focus on academic achievements, neglecting the spiritual and moral component of education, leading to the spiritual decline and alienation of youth. The author emphasizes the need to integrate spiritual and moral aspects into the educational system to foster responsible, morally mature individuals. Only awareness of the importance of this issue through a systematic approach to problem identification and subsequent solutions can strategies be developed to nurture spiritually rich and morally resilient citizens capable of positively impacting societal development. Among the most systemic issues highlighted are the ambiguity of spiritual orientations in modern education, which obscures the overall direction of educational development; the conflict between the spiritual and material dimensions of education, creating a disconnect between knowledge as a collection of information and wisdom as the ability to live consciously; insufficient attention to the development of an individual's inner world, which doesn’t facilitate conscious and spiritually balanced decision-making, that helps avoid impulsive actions, and enhances self-awareness; spiritual alienation, that has become the foundation of widespread immoral phenomena like bullying; fragmentation of existing spiritual guidelines, depriving the value space of modern education of a shared integral basis; lack of moral and spiritual training among educators, resulting in a formal or superficial approach to understanding the value dimension of education and the inability to serve as spiritual authorities for students; challenges related to information technologies that create a range of moral dilemmas. The conclusion drawn is that a comprehensive systemic understanding of the problematic field of the spiritual and moral aspect in modern education is a multifaceted task that requires a complex approach for its resolution, which can serve as a basis for further scientific exploration.</p> Olena ROHOVA Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 62 70 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-8 TEACHING STUDENTS COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN OF DECORATIVE AND APPLIED ART OBJECTS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/185 <p>The article is devoted to the implementation into the educational process of the technology of comprehensive design for decorative and applied art objects and other design technologies that can be used in conjunction with the study of various educational components of the cycle of professional training of future design specialists. In the process of mastering the technology of comprehensive design, students of higher education in the field of design develop an understanding of the integration of design and folk art in such a format as ethnic design, which contributes to the popularisation of national traditions among a wide range of consumers. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of involving higher education students in the comprehensive design of decorative and applied arts objects in the process of professional design training. The scientific research was formalized by the analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalisation of advanced pedagogical experience, scientific and methodological literature, experience in implementing design projects; the synthesis of empirical material, classification, and modelling. The article examines various aspects of the relationship between ethnic design and decorative and applied arts (coloristics and ornamentation, style and traditions, materials and decor, techniques and technologies); it also presents examples of the integration of design and folk art. The main attention is paid to the stages of comprehensive design of decorative and applied art objects, which require a combination of artistic vision, technical skill and a deep understanding of the cultural context. The presented study details the process of comprehensive design, which allows to outline the essence of the educational activity of students at each stage and determine the intermediate stage results of creating a design project in ethnic design, taking into account the basic requirements for design activity. The authors of the study set themselves a number of scientific and practical tasks, the solution of which is aimed at strengthening the implementation of the comprehensive design of objects of decorative and applied art in the educational practice of training future design professionals on a permanent basis. The implementation of modern design technologies in combination with traditional techniques is possible if higher education students have relevant knowledge about the heritage of folk art and master the skills of modern design.</p> Tetiana BORYSOVA Nataliia ORLOVA Mykola BLYZNIUK Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 71 79 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-9 До питання організації самостійної роботи студентів у вищій школі (на прикладі підготовки документознавців) https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/186 <p>The article explores the organization of students’ independent work in higher education institutions (further – HEIs) in Ukraine within the context of the Bologna Process integration. Independent work is emphasized as a crucial component of the educational process, essential for the development of professional knowledge and skills. The author highlights the necessity of adapting European educational principles to the Ukrainian cultural, social, and economic context. The study is based on an analysis of recent publications and pedagogical experience related to the Bologna Process in Ukrainian education. The article references practical experience accumulated by the Department of Documentation and Information Activities Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (further – at UDNUT), particularly under conditions of remote learning. The focus is on various aspects and methods of organizing students' independent work using information technologies. Advantages and specific features of extracurricular activities are examined, including their flexibility in content and duration, and the diversity of forms and activities. The need to diversify the technical and technological means of learning, including the use of communication platforms that were not originally planned as a separate educational tool, is substantiated. Concrete examples of effective methods are provided, such as the use of multimedia presentations, analysis of situational tasks, bibliographic training, and professional video blogging. The article underscores the necessity of democratizing and dialogizing the educational process, moving away from a mentoring model towards a role for educators as consultants and moderators. This shift allows students to demonstrate initiative, develop creative abilities, and enhance analytical thinking, aligning with the demands of a modern information society. The study critiques the idealized image of a creative, autonomous student often portrayed in Ukrainian publications, emphasizing the gap between this ideal and the reality faced by many students. It calls for a problematization of optimistic views on independent work within the Ukrainian context, considering the significant cultural, social, and economic differences. The achievements of independent work should include: improving skills acquired in the classroom, creating conditions conducive to team building and cooperation, broadening students' horizons, and organizing their leisure time. Extracurricular activities can range from traditional group sessions and competitions to innovative projects such as creating multimedia presentations and professional vlogs. The article suggests further development of diverse independent work methods, aiming to foster students' professional and personal qualities in line with the Bologna Process principles. The integration of new technologies and communication platforms is seen as essential for enhancing the effectiveness of independent work and preparing students for the demands of the modern professional environment. In conclusion, the article proposes numerous ideas for enriching the forms and methods of independent work, emphasizing the importance of mutual interest and collaboration between educators and students, and a clear understanding of professional growth and self-realization perspectives.</p> Kateryna PROKOFIEVA Oksana RESHETILOVA Serhiy SAVCHENKO Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 80 88 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-10 THE MODEL OF TRAINING A MODERN EDUCATIONAL LEADER (ON THE EXAMPLE OF SUAS UNIVERSITY, THE NETHERLANDS) https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/187 <p>Ukraine is in the process of harmonising higher education and optimising its university network. At this stage, the experience of European countries is valuable. Leadership-based management of higher education institutions is a global trend and an urgent need for national education systems. The professionalisation of educational leaders is a key step towards the formation of a competitive cohort of educational managers. Using the best European practices, it will be possible to change the model of training educational leaders in Ukraine. The article focuses on the analysis of the model of training educational leaders at a private higher education institution in the Netherlands – SUAS University. The Netherlands has developed effective leadership tools for improving the competitiveness of universities, building administrative, human and financial autonomy. The experience of a Dutch higher education institution is presented as an example of a modern vision of quality higher education provided by a private institution with strong organisational and financial autonomy. The article analyses the content of the accredited Master's programme in Educational Leadership, the modular system of the programme which consists of 6 specific parts (Strategic Vision of Educational Development; Leadership in the Educational Environment; Team Leadership in the Educational Environment; Change Management in the Educational Environment; Continuous Improvement in Education; Business of Educational Innovation) and the final project. The competences of a modern educational leader are summarised on the basis of the SUAS University Master's programme. The procedure of ensuring the quality of higher education in the Master's programme is clarified, its features and subjects of the educational process are identified. It is established that a characteristic feature of the training of educational leaders in the Netherlands is the participation of tutors, coaches and trainers who ensure the individual development of each student and accompany them at the stage of their own professional development and psychological leadership transformation.</p> Mariia SAIUK Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 89 100 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-11 TEACHER'S VOICE AS AN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE IN PEDAGOGICAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/188 <p>The article deals with voice as an educational resource of a teacher in pedagogical and social aspects. In the first part of the article, based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, the main requirements for the teacher's voice are highlighted, and recommendations for voice preservation are introduced, since about 50% of the teacher's working time is spent directly on the active work of the vocal apparatus. The article also presents the results of the role of teacher's voice tone in pedagogical practice conducted in 2022 by researchers from the Universities of Essex and Reading, who found that teacher's voice tone can change the psycho-emotional state in the classroom. According to the study, a tone that supports students' autonomy and increases their level of activity proved to be favorable for learning. The second part of the article discusses the social aspect of the teacher's voice. In this regard, the authors refer to the scientific works of representatives of such an alternative educational direction as critical pedagogy (P. Freire, G. Giroux, J. Winks, P. McLaren). The position of the Canadian American scholar P. McLaren is analyzed, that illustrates the two types of power with which the voice of the teacher is associated: despotic power, when the teacher's voice subordinates the experience and beliefs of students, and democratic power, which gives the student's voice the opportunity to express themselves, to declare their values and beliefs. The opinion of another representative of this field, J. Winks, is described. The researcher notes that our voices are important in pedagogical practice because they express what we have come through and experienced in life. In this regard, three aspects have been identified as crucial to the formation of a teacher's voice: political relations of power, the inner voice of personal pedagogical experience, and public policy. The conclusions note that the teacher's voice acts not only as an educational resource, but also as an instrument of social change. The teacher's voice can bring the discourse of freedom to the pedagogical process. The teacher's voice is not only subject to public policy, but is also an important tool in its implementation – in particular, in patriotic education, in shaping the culture of thinking and affirming democratic values.</p> Oleksandr TYMOFІEІEV Liubov ANDRIUSHYNA Yuliia RODINA Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 101 107 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-12 NEW APPROACHES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN CONDITIONS OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND MARTIAL LAW https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/189 <p>The article highlights the main approaches to the implementation of pedagogical technologies in the conditions of emergency situations and martial law, the essence of which is a new vision of the concept of educational and pedagogical activity, new forms and methods of learning which changed the core and content of pedagogical technologies. Among the factors of such changes, digitalization of the educational process, focus on individualization and interactivity of learning, orientation of the content of education on the development of soft skills and critical thinking have been identified. Attention was paid to the European integration orientation of the development of national education, which ensured the intensive introduction of new pedagogical technologies. It was noted that an important component of the pro-European education system was the introduction of modern educational technologies, their focus on solving the problems of sustainable development, active use of new information and educational technologies. The strategies of such changes are reflected in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, new legislation, new educational and professional standards which most fully characterize the ideology of modernization processes in national education. It is noted that military aggression by the Russian Federation led to the search for new effective pedagogical technologies that would ensure the quality of domestic education at the level of European and international standards in such difficult conditions. New approaches to the implementation of pedagogical technologies, which in the conditions of martial law are an important factor in ensuring the quality of school education, have been defined and substantiated. Attention is drawn to the fact that the functional effectiveness of the teacher in the implementation of technological, competence. axiological and synergistic approaches are characterized by the ability to adapt new pedagogical technologies in accordance with the characteristics of the class and the capabilities of students; diversify the forms and methods of educational activity taking into account the peculiarities of the educational situation and the environment in which the educational process takes place; provide psychological support to students taking into account stressful situations and unstable emotional states; to provide optimal support for programs of individual development of students; implement the principles of partnership and cooperation with all subjects of educational activity. The important tasks of the teacher are outlined, including «ensuring the quality of education at the level of new educational standards by applying all available forms of educational organization process, optimal support of programs of individual development of education seekers, solving issues of student motivation for educational activities in the conditions of martial law». It is noted that conscious responsibility for the results of pedagogical activity, quick orientation in non-standard situations requires a high level of professional skill of the teacher of the new Ukrainian school.</p> Lidiya VOZNYUK Ruslana MYRONOVA Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 108 115 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-13 CIVIC COMPETENCES AS A TOOL FOR BUILDING A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY IN UKRAINE https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/190 <p>The article examines the current issues of the formation of civic competences and the development of civic education in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. Emphasizing the principles of the creation and progress of a democratic state system, the author proposed practical conclusions regarding the need to regulate them, since they (principles) play a decisive role in the formation of civic competences among representatives of Ukrainian society. Focusing on the philosophical understanding of the role and influence of civic education, an attempt to investigate the issue of the formation of sustainable civic skills and the mechanisms of their practical implementation was made. The understanding of the concept of «civic competence», «civic education», their tasks and goals, which go beyond philosophical categories and have specific socio-political frameworks determined by legal or legislative acts at the state level, is characterized. Various terminological approaches are outlined. Attention is focused on the socio-political approach, which is based on the ability of an individual to participate in socio-political processes, and the pedagogical approach, which defines this category as a combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, experiences, value orientations, etc., which help a person to understand their place in society and become a realized citizen of the Ukrainian state. In order to form and strengthen civil competences, which, in the opinion of the author, are critically important in the current conditions for the preservation of democracy and statehood, effective solutions and practical tools on this issue are proposed. The article discusses the problems of the formation of civic competences not only in formal education, but also in informal education, the possibility of their implementation in the difficult conditions of the Ukrainian present. The legislation in the field of civic education is analyzed, the priority of the problem of forming a conscious and responsible citizen is emphasized, which requires, first of all, the implementation of state policy, prompt response by lawmakers, updating and actualization of legislative acts in terms of civic education.</p> Oksana DAVYDENKO Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 116 124 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-14 THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL SPACE https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/191 <p>Artificial intelligence is already being used in the educational space in different countries of the world to predict, analyze and model the learning environment. It is possible to define at least three main areas of use of artificial intelligence in the modern educational space. First, artificial intelligence is used to personalize learning because it can analyze data about a student's success and his learning style and dynamically adjust learning materials and tasks to his individual needs. Second, artificial intelligence is used to improve learning outcomes because it can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that can help improve teaching methods and predict student performance. Third, artificial intelligence in general enables the process of learning automation as it can automate tasks such as lesson planning, journaling, assessment and grading, and can be used to create personalized learning materials. Third, artificial intelligence generally supports the process of automating learning, as it can handle tasks such as lesson planning, journaling, assessment and grading, and can be used to create personalised learning materials. At the same time, the use of artificial intelligence in the educational environment is at an early stage and raises a number of ethical and practical problems that will need to be solved in the near future. This publication analyzes the main trends of the influence of artificial intelligence technology on the transformation of the modern educational space. The main problems and digital possibilities of using artificial intelligence technology in the educational environment are considered. In general, the analysis of different views on the introduction of artificial intelligence into the education system suggests that it is possible that in the near future society will need to rethink the social role of education and the learning environment. The traditional format of education offered and provided by educational institutions today may be imperfect in the conditions of the growing role of digital technologies and the use of artificial intelligence. Accordingly, the new format of obtaining information and knowledge will require from modern teachers not only basic knowledge and skills necessary for the organization of the educational process, but also an understanding of the very essence of artificial intelligence technology.</p> Serhii DOVHAL Andrii MIROSHNYCHENKO Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 125 131 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-15 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT OF SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/192 <p>The article presents generalized psychological and pedagogical views of innovative educational processes, the essence of which is the renewal of the pedagogical process, the introduction of new formations into the traditional education system, its renovation, which is characterized by increased attention to the individual, directing the efforts of teachers to the development of the creative potential of participants in the educational process. The vectors of education development that require the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, the creative search for new or improved systems, models, principles, approaches to education, significant changes in the content, forms, and methods of education, upbringing, management of the educational pedagogical process in innovative institutions of general secondary education are specified. The state of the modern system of secondary education, which is in need, is analyzed introduction of innovations, modern methods of educational and methodological support, training of a teacher who will be able not only to accept all the challenges of education but also to become an active participant in changes, the relationship of the professional growth of the teacher with the innovative activities of the educational institution. The psychological and pedagogical aspects of the innovative activity of the general secondary education institution are outlined, and the concept of «practically oriented education» is revealed, which is characterized by the active involvement of teachers in innovative activities, the teacher’s readiness to improve professional skills, innovative thinking, innovative culture, and self-development. It is emphasized that today’s school education requires the direction of the psychological and pedagogical service of educational institutions to search for effective ways of providing assistance to educators in the implementation of modern innovative approaches since the national education system is largely determined by the innovative development of pedagogical education, which fulfills the important task of staffing all link of education and must meet public demands, take into account world trends and recommendations of international organizations regarding the training of highly qualified pedagogical workers who are able to solve complex tasks and learning problems, specified in the Concept of the Development of Pedagogical Education and Development, which involves conducting research and/or implementing innovations.</p> Olga KIJAN Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 132 139 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-16 INTEGRATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES INTO THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/193 <p>The article examines the urgent problem of integrating digital technologies into the educational process, which is becoming increasingly important in the modern information society. It is proved that digitalization has become an integral part of the lives of not only adults but also children, which is especially evident during global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and military conflicts. The main emphasis is placed on the potential of digital technologies to improve the quality of educational work, in particular, to increase students' motivation, develop their critical thinking, creativity and independence in learning. Particular attention is paid to the use of VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality), which allow for the creation of interactive and individualized learning environments. These technologies open up new opportunities for engaging and effective learning, allowing students to immerse themselves in the educational process. However, the author also emphasizes the numerous challenges that accompany the process of digitalization of education, among which the issues of ensuring equal access to digital resources and ensuring information security are important. The article highlights the problems of ensuring a balance between digital tools and traditional methods of education that is critical for the effective development of children. In addition, the article discusses the issue of cybersecurity, which is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the widespread use of digital technologies. The risks of cyberbullying and other online threats require the development of clear protection policies that ensure the safety of children on the Internet, as well as the training of teachers and students in the rules of safe behavior in the digital environment. In general, the article emphasizes the importance of integrating digital technologies into the educational process as a prerequisite for preparing children for life in a high-tech society. At the same time, the authors note that successful digitalization of education is possible only if the problems of equal access to technology, information security, and raising the level of digital literacy among teachers and educators are addressed. In the future, further research should be aimed at studying the impact of digital technologies on children's cognitive, emotional, and social development, as well as at developing new digital education tools that take into account safety and ethics.</p> Liubov PASICHNYK Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 140 146 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-17 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATORS’ PROFESSIONAL SKILLS IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: GENESIS OF GAME-BASED PEDAGOGY IN POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/194 <p>The article is devoted to the coverage of historical and modern aspects of the professional development of teachers of preschool education institutions of Ukraine on the issue of implementing game-based methods of child development. The main aspects of the historical experience and the current state of training of preschool teachers for the implementation of game-based approaches in the conditions of postgraduate education have been analyzed. The genesis of the game-based pedagogy in the conditions of postgraduate education as a component of the professional development of educators of preschool education institutions has been characterised. The fact of unification of the training and upgrading of the qualifications of preschool teachers of the Ukrainian SSR and the levelling of the role of game as a natural mechanism in the formation and development of the personality of a preschool child have been established. The emphasis is placed on the emergence of new guidelines of the preschool education system in the early 90s of the 20th century, which proved the importance of games in the educational process of preschool education institutions. The main forms of development of teachers’ professional skills regarding the application of game-based pedagogy in preschool education institutions through the prism of history and present have been identified. They include advanced training courses, theoretical and practical seminars, methodical associations, schools of advanced pedagogical experience and self-educational activities of teachers. The article describes the characteristics of special courses and modules on the introduction of game and activity-based teaching methods, which are included in the educational programmes of advanced training of postgraduate pedagogical education institutions, such as «Play Pedagogy in Preschool Education Institutions», «Well-being of Children and Teachers: Effective Tools and Practices of Psychosocial Support», «The programme of socio-emotional development and learning of children «Peppy Pals» («Cheerful Friends»). It is concluded that the activity of modern postgraduate education institutions is aimed at forming a valuable attitude of teachers towards the possibilities of game in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary for children. It is also characterized by a significant increase in the number of hours provided for studying the theory and practice of facilitating game as a natural environment for development, education and support of preschool children based on numerous research and monitoring studies. The prospects for further study of the stated problem in the development of a system for monitoring the quality of training of teachers regarding the use of the educational potential of the game.</p> Hanna SHVED Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 147 153 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-18 TEXT WORLD THEORY APPROACH TO A READING CLASS IN THE EFL CONTEXT https://visnuk.dano.dp.ua/index.php/pp/article/view/195 <p>Теорія текстового світу привертає велику увагу в таких галузях, як лінгвістика та література. Вона фокусується не лише на самому тексті, але й на середовищі, в якому текст пишеться й використовується, включаючи наявні знання і досвід читачів у конкретних історичних та культурних контекстах. З моменту свого виникнення, теорія текстового світу використовувалася для аналізу різних типів дискурсу, а деякі вчені пропонували застосовувати її в таких галузях як літературознавство і лінгвістика. З огляду на це, у статті ми досліджуємо питання застосовування теорії текстового світу на уроках читання з метою підвищення ефективності викладання, а також розвитку критичної свідомості учнів. Виявлено, що така модель викладання дійсно сприяє розвитку здатності до критичного мислення в межах викладання англійської мови професійного спрямування. Очікується, що результати цього дослідження проллють світло на ефективність інтеграції методики у систему розвитку навиків читання англійською мовою. Зазначено, що вправи з використанням вказаної методики покращать здатність студентів розуміти й інтерпретувати тексти, сприяючи глибшому розумінню матеріалу. Крім того, дослідження має на меті виявити потенційні виклики та обмеження, пов'язані з впровадженням обраної методики на заняттях з англійської мови професійного спрямування. Результати дослідження поширюються на викладачів англійської мови професійного спрямування, розробників навчальних програм і практиків, формуючи уявлення про інноваційні педагогічні підходи до вдосконалення навчання й розуміння прочитаного. Впроваджуючи стратегію теорії текстового світу у свою практику викладання, педагоги здатні допомогти студентам вільно читати англійською мовою, сприяючи таким чином загальному розвитку їхнього мовного рівня. Наголошено, що вказана стаття виступає за інтеграцію теорії текстового світу у викладання читання англійською мовою як засобу розвитку ефективних навичок розуміння прочитаного у студентів. Застосовуючи принципи теорії текстового світу, викладачі можуть створити динамічне та цікаве навчальне середовище, яке сприятиме глибшому розумінню текстів та покращенню лінгвістичних навичок.</p> Yang YANG Chen QIAN Copyright (c) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 2 154 163 10.54891/2786-7013-2024-2-19