Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Philosophy, Pedagogy 2024-01-03T13:13:04+00:00 Швидун Л. Т. Open Journal Systems <p><a href=""><img style="float: left; margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 20px;" src="/public/site/images/visnuk_admin/cover.jpg"></a></p> <p>"DNIPRO ACADEMY OF CONTINUING EDUCATION HERALD", Series "Philosophy. Pedagogy", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, 19.11.2021, certificate of state registration of mass media: series <a href="">КВ № 25053-14993Р</a>. The periodical is intended for researchers, research and teaching staff of institutions of various types and forms of ownership, graduate students, students and anyone interested in scientific issues in the field of philosophy and pedagogy.</p> <p>In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 15.01.2018 No. 32 "On Approval of the Procedure for Forming the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine", dated <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">27.04.2023 № &nbsp;491</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">20.06.2023 № 768</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">20.12.2023 № 1543</a> "On Decisions on the Awarding of Academic Degrees and Conferment of Academic Titles and Amendments to the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine", the scientific publication "DNIPRO ACADEMY OF CONTINUING EDUCATION HERALD", series "Philosophy. Pedagogy", is included in category "B" in the following fields: philosophical sciences (specialty - <strong>033</strong>), Pedagogical Sciences (specialties: <strong>011</strong> Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, <strong>014</strong> Secondary Education (by subject specialties), <strong>015</strong> Vocational Education (by specialties).&nbsp; We invite you to cooperate.</p> RETROSPECTIVE PHENOMENON OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION AT THE CURRENT STAGE OF DEVELOPMEN 2024-01-03T11:33:14+00:00 Vira DUBININA <p>The modern era has posed radically new important problems for education and philosophical principles, the philosophy of education is considered the most effective theoretical basis for changes in the field of education which creates conditions for the most complete realization of the spiritual potential of a person. The retrospection of the phenomenon of education and its separation from philosophy, the stages of formation of its conceptual and categorical apparatus and the formation of its institutional forms are traced. The main directions of development of the philosophy of education in the world and in Ukraine are analyzed. The position of reviewing the fundamental principles of the university and university education, which consists in the transformation of the entire system of higher education and its adaptation to the realities of today, is very relevant today. Different approaches and views on the system of modern university transformation, the ambivalent nature of modern higher education and the retrospection of the phenomenon of the philosophy of education at the current stage of development are analyzed. Changes in the philosophy of the functioning of the educational system, ideological reorientations, reproduction of the humanistic nature, which contribute to the transition of higher education educational processes into sustainable innovative trends, have been clarified. The article examines the philosophy of education in the general system of university knowledge in connection with pedagogical theory and practice. Also, the methodology of changing the world's values and goals in the interests of the sustainable development of Ukrainian society and the harmonious development of the individual and the further transformation of a modern university is especially relevant in today's globalized world. Education has always been an objectively necessary condition for the formation of a personality developed in professional, spiritual and general cultural directions. Undoubtedly, any person is characterized by the ability for self-development, self-education, but his life definition, professional, civil and moral formation in different historical eras has its own characteristics, largely due to changes in the education system. In our opinion, the theoretical basis of such changes in education as a complex system of civilizational values has always been and continues to be the philosophy of education, since it lays down the mechanism of self-development and maximizes the inner spiritual potential of every person.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN «POLITICAL POWER» AND «PSYCHIATRIC POWER» IN THE WORKS OF MICHEL FOUCAULT 2024-01-03T11:39:07+00:00 Natalia ZINCHENKO <p>The article demonstrates a retrospective analysis of the problem of the formation of the concept of power in the scientific activity of the French philosopher Michel Foucault. The transformational socio-political processes of the postmodern era require a radical rethinking of classical theories and concepts. Foucault proposes to look at historical structures and social phenomena in a new way, to modernize them away from superficial explanations and primitive interpretations revealing hidden and less obvious political mechanisms and their functioning. The problems of the 20th century draw the thinker's attention to a deep rethinking of power and strongly recommends abandoning classical canons in order to avoid social problems in the future. M.&nbsp;Foucault's post-structuralist concept of power proves that the variety of types of power generates not only reality and objects of knowledge, but also the «rituals» of their understanding. Contemporaries point out that the philosopher's writings lack a logical process of understanding a problem, but this is why he attracts not only scientists. Foucault's cognitive process is dynamic and discursive. Having associative thinking, the thinker engaged in a pure search, free from any biased attitude. M.&nbsp;Foucault suggests considering power relations in the broadest context, which includes the following power positions: men to women, parents to children, psychiatrists to mentally ill patients, doctors to patients, and authorities to people's lifestyles. However, the philosopher's most interesting explanation of power is medical power, particularly power in psychiatry. M.&nbsp;Foucault interprets power and knowledge in classical psychiatry, the problems of psychiatry of the 20th century and explains the meaning of mental illnesses from the patient's point of view. While studying at the «Ecole Normale» school, where a unique atmosphere reigned, despite his erudition and organizational skills as a leader, M.&nbsp;Foucault began to experience psychological disorders. This is what provoked the future thinker to investigate the power relations between the psychiatrist and the patient. This paper also examines the philosophical paradigm of the formation of psychiatry and the phenomenon of mental illness. Foucault understands mental disorders as alienation from reality, as a desire to exist in a hostile world. Madness, or alienation in the deep sense of the word, becomes the main problem of anthropology.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) THEORETICAL PREREQUISITES OF THE FORMATION OF THE PHENOMENON OF POST-TRUTH IN THE SPACE OF METAMODERN 2024-01-03T11:45:11+00:00 Serhii MECHYKOV <p>The phenomenon of post-truth is studied in the context of the metamodern cultural paradigm based on its oscillatory specificity, as an oscillation between the values of the modern and their denial by the postmodern, where the modern acts as a strategy, and the postmodern as a tactic of worldview-philosophical realizations. The purpose of the article is to identify the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the post-truth phenomenon in the information field of metamodern culture. The worldview characteristics of metamodernism are defined in the study as oscillation, individualization, atopy, ‘new sincerity’ which create grounds for the flourishing of post-truth in the mosaic picture of the information space. The study presents the prerequisites for the formation of post-truth in the era of metamodernity, which are determined by the formation of the theory of truth in the continental philosophy of the 20th century and the total digitalization of the information space that is formed according to the non-linear principle of rhizome thinking. The analysis of foreign and domestic literature records an increase in interest in the research issues of metamodern, while determining the dominance of the artistic aspect of the modern cultural age in accordance with the ‘neo-romantic turn’. The study of the phenomenon of post-truth requires the activation of research on the part of political metamodern and its interpretations in the context of digitalization of the information space. The theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the phenomenon of post-truth are the rethinking of the criteria of truth in the phenomenology of E.&nbsp;Husserl, M.&nbsp;Heidegger, А.&nbsp;Arend, as well as epistemological studies of postmodernism represented by the views of W.&nbsp;Benjamin, G.&nbsp;Deleuze, A.&nbsp;Badiou and J.&nbsp;Lacan. On the basis of postmodern skepticism and nihilism regarding the possibilities of understanding the absolute truth, conditions are formed for replacing truth with truth which is allowed in the form of free interpretations as a prerequisite for the emergence of the phenomenon of post-truth. Against the background of the philosophical search for truth and the tendency to subjectify the methodology of its discovery, postmodernity contributes to the separation of the concept of truth from the philosophical concept of truth and forms the basis for the legitimization of post-truth as an oscillating position of the metamodern between truth and falsehood.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) TRANSFORMATION OF THE SUBJECTIVITY OF THE MODERN INDIVIDUAL IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DIGITALIZATION OF SOCIETY 2024-01-03T11:50:55+00:00 Vadum PALAHUTA <p>The article examines the state of formation of subjectivity in a modern individual, in particular, his or her attitude to social freedom. It has been clarified how these attitudes to freedom differ significantly from established, traditional ideas about this most important factor in the formation of a person. It is traced how ideas about freedom are connected with three types of societies, according to the conceptualization of M. Foucault – the society of the sovereign, the disciplinary society, the society of control in its current digital version – as a society of surveillance capitalism. The history of the emergence of the concepts of biopower, biopolitics and biomass in M. Foucault is analyzed, starting with the study of disciplinary society. It was revealed that in order to ensure the management of the masses of people and the control over each individual, biopower embodied a mechanism even in the times of the disciplinary society, which has gained further development in the modern society of control. Its main content involves the transformation of an individual into a social subject while preserving the totalization of the population as biomass. It is shown that the formation of modern subjectivity is simultaneously undertaken by the state in the form of performing a totalizing and individualizing function, from which the individual tries to slip away with the help of his practices and techniques of freedom that guarantee subjectivation. It is considered how the latest digital technologies adapt the socio-philosophical doctrine of neo-behaviorism, which justifies the control and formation of an individual's behavior at all levels of his life, and how this ensures the manipulation of freedom in the broadest sense and puts the population on the verge of endless survival. It can be stated that the launched worldwide technologies for managing the behavior of individuals as biomass and the process of individual digitization significantly transform the subjectivity of modern individuals. As a result of this long-term process of modern biopolitics, there is a possibility that individuals will lose the significance of freedom and the role of democratic institutions in society will decrease, and neoliberalism can become a «nurture medium» for the formation of digital totalitarian regimes.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND FOR THE FORMATION OF PHENOMENOLOGY IN THE GERMAN PHILOSOPHY OF THE 19th CENTURY 2024-01-03T11:56:04+00:00 Alina GRITSENKO <p>An early stage in the development of phenomenology, as a matter of fact, is considered, which completes a long, foldable and richly planned process, within the framework of which a new philosophical methodology was formed. Among the concepts of phenomenology, the concept of intentionality is especially distinguished, as it is not only the basic characteristic of all mental acts of a person, but also a rethinking prompting ontology of wisdom. The basic provisions of the phenomenological theory of information are not in themselves an intentional principle, which changes the traditional for that hour the understanding of information as a mental interpretation of speeches. F. Brentano's position forces us to talk about certain ontological levels that are associated with a greater or lesser obviousness of real or mental objects. The general thesis proposed here is that phenomenology is not the creation of a single, even brilliant, thinker, but is a doctrine that completes a rather long, complex and multifaceted process within which a new philosophical position was formed. In this sense, it can be argued that the emergence of the phenomenological method was prepared by the entire development of European philosophy, in each stage of which one can find points of formation of the phenomenological method or points of thematic intersection with phenomenology. In this respect, phenomenology is not just a philosophical «invention», another» «system», but a doctrine that emerged at the intersection of rational and empirical theories of New European philosophy, starting in the nineteenth century. At an early stage of phenomenology's development, an important conceptual basis for building a scientific psychology that wants to consider mental phenomena in any meaningful way is revealed. This basis is contained in the concept of intentionality, which is fundamental to the construction and development of phenomenological discourse. However, it would be a mistake to treat intentional objects as products of the imagination or simple empirical data that psychology usually deals with. In a certain sense, an intentional object is not a psychological phenomenon, but one of the constituent elements of the original ontology, a material, a brick, which consistently makes up any ontological structure. Thus, already at the stage of the formation of the phenomenological doctrine, the contours and priorities of a new philosophy were determined, which positioned itself as a philosophy of consciousness and should be read as a prerequisite for the construction of a fundamental ontology.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DISCUSSION IN THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHICAL KNOWLEDGE 2024-01-03T12:01:31+00:00 Dmytro STRILKO Svitlana PERUN <p>The article is devoted to the study of the debate in the history of philosophical knowledge. The approaches to the problem of the discussion of the greatest philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, etc. are analyzed. The features of discourse in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and modern times have been determined. It is established that an important reason for the development of the discussion is the fact that ancient thinkers already began to realize the internal dialectical nature of material, natural, social processes and phenomena. Philosophy, more than any other field of knowledge, needs debate. Where there is no freedom of discussion, there is no true philosophy. Truth is born in controversy. There is probably no other axiom as universally known as this one. But there is no other human activity to which such diametrically opposite evaluations would be applied. Some called the dispute their fate, their element, others avoided it. Kant and Galileo felt pleasure in the struggle of ideas. Newton and Darwin shied away from disputes and polemics, believing that, apart from wasting time and bad mood, they lead to nothing. But both of them sought the truth. In order to find out the truth, it is necessary to study both positions, we need a discussion that communicates not opponents, but interlocutors, and everyone strives not to win, but to reach an agreement, to mutual understanding, through the analysis and synthesis of opinions, to the unity of views on the problem. Therefore, a discussion, a dialogue, a dialectical conversation will lead to the truth (or to a single goal) faster than a dispute saturated with emotional obstacles, temperamental outbursts, the desire to offend the opponent, to strike him more painfully and to defend his opinion by any means. And the fiercer the heat of passions, the more stubborn opponents who convince in their views, the further they depart from the truth. In the course of the discussion, non-traditional approaches to solving complex problems are developed, specific practical proposals and generalizations are made, and proposed initiatives are evaluated. Discussions awaken people's activity and interest, increase mutual demands, self-criticism, strengthen control over the implementation of specific decisions. The article examines some of the main philosophical discussions, conversations, debates during which different views and points of view collided.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DIDACTIC PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING FUTURE TEACHERS FOR THE USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 2024-01-03T12:09:45+00:00 Kateryna HLIANENKO <p>The article analyzes developments on the application of didactic principles in the process of professional training of future teachers of pedagogical disciplines for the innovative technologies use. The conditions and ways of implementing the specified didactic principles are revealed. The following didactic principles are highlighted and systematized: the principle of scientificity; the principle of accessibility of education; the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of strength of knowledge, abilities and skills; the principle of visibility; the principle of connection between theory and practice; the principle of consciousness, activity, independence. It is emphasised that the classical principles of didactics in the methodological system with the use of innovative technologies have their own specifics. A discipline using innovative technologies is subject to a number of requirements in the design process: psychological, reflecting the patterns of knowledge acquisition; scientific, reflecting the scientific orientation in the discipline; related to future professional activities reflected in the model of specialist training; software, designing curricula or selecting software methodology for use at a certain stage of the educational process. For the successful implementation of the proposed principles, the following conditions must be met: a high level of organization of the educational process using innovative technologies; the use of appropriate means that stimulate the emergence and development of motivation among future teachers of pedagogical disciplines to use innovative technologies in all types of cognitive activity; systematization of knowledge and skills in the application of innovative technologies in the process of studying a special course; acquisition of future teachers of pedagogical disciplines with the experience of using innovative technologies during social-pedagogical and propaedeutic practices; ensuring the emotionality of learning and creating a favorable atmosphere in the process of educational activities. It is noted that the use of innovative technologies should be carried out taking into account the classical didactic principles that are implemented in the process of training in the conditions of traditional education.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MANIFESTATION OF INTERNET ADDICTION IN THE INTERPERSONAL INTERACTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS 2024-01-03T12:14:57+00:00 Yuliia RODINA Pavlo CHEKHOVICH <p>The article considers student age as a special period of an individual's life. Student age is a sensitive period for the development of the main sociogenic potentials of a person. Studying in a higher educational institution develops individuality and gives an opportunity to influence the psyche. The authors see the definition of all kinds of violations for timely intervention and help as an important task. The article highlights Internet addiction as a psychological phenomenon, which consists in the fact that a person has an obsessive desire to constantly be on the World Wide Web.The authors identified as the factors of the emergence of Internet addiction in the student age the peculiarities of communication, which explain the emergence of Internet addictions. The authors analyzed the presence of Internet addiction in students of higher education - second-year students of the Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar as a pilot empirical study by developing a program and research methods, conducting empirical research and its processing.A small percentage (10%) of respondents with Internet addiction was obtained, while further work was to determine the reasons. Diagnostics of propensity to various addictions on fourteen scales showed that according to the scale of general propensity to addiction, most respondents have an average and high level of the studied addiction, and only less than 25 percent have a low level. The authors investigated the absence of addiction according to the scales (at least 80 percent of respondents have a low level): food, sexual, television and alcohol addiction; (more than 90 percent of respondents have a low level): drug addiction, drug addiction, religious addiction, work addiction. About 60% of respondents had high and medium levels of game addiction, computer addiction, smoking addiction, and love addiction. A low level of susceptibility to addiction to a healthy lifestyle was also found in the studied acquirers. Therefore, the main problems and addictions identified are Internet addiction. This correlates with the research of other authors in this area.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AS A FACTOR FOR IMPROVING THE TRAINING OF MODERN TEACHERS 2024-01-03T12:19:25+00:00 Myroslava SOSNOVA <p>The article analyzes developments in improving the training of modern teachers, considers the concept of «quality of education». Emphasis is placed on the fact that a modern specialist in the field of professional education must have a system of developed skills and abilities for the introduction of information technologies into the educational process to improve the assessment of the quality of education. An interpretation of the concept of «information technology» is provided. The author notes that due to the growth of information flows, the use of new pedagogical technologies, the need to meet the needs of personal and professional development of teachers, who are sometimes not fully prepared for the introduction of innovations in the educational process. This leads to certain difficulties in professional activities, including: organization of project and research activities of education seekers; development and implementation of methodical models, technologies and methods; analysis of the results of the educational process and their further use during the design of pedagogical activities; study, generalization and creative use of advanced pedagogical experience. It is noted that the structure of the readiness of future teachers of professional education includes the following components: motivational component as a set of motives adequate to the goals and tasks of pedagogical activity; a content component related to the cognitive sphere of a person and constitutes a system of knowledge necessary for productive pedagogical activity; operational component − a set of abilities and skills of practical problem solving in the process of pedagogical activity. a substantive analysis of the above definitions shows that there are currently two most distinct approaches to the definition of educational information technology. It is noted that in the first case, it is proposed to consider it as a didactic process, organized using a set of fundamentally new means and methods of data processing introduced into the education system, representing the purposeful creation, transmission, preservation, and display of information products with the lowest costs and in accordance with the laws of cognitive activity education seekers. In the second case, we are talking about the creation of a certain technical learning environment, in which information technologies occupy an important place.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) FORMATION OF COMPETENCE IN THE BASICS OF RADIATION SAFETY FOR BACHELORS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ANALYSIS 2024-01-03T12:25:26+00:00 Oleksandr TYMOSHCHUK <p>The article is devoted to the study of the current state of theoretical and practical development of the problem of forming competence in the basics of radiation safety for bachelors of secondary education. In particular, the main leitmotifs of the international scientific and pedagogical community on this topic are studied. Three directions of research on the formation of competence in radiation safety of bachelors of secondary education are distinguished, namely: content and axiological, organizational and methodological directions and mechanisms of cooperation of interested authorities. It has been recorded that the vast majority of studies are driven by radiation accidents at nuclear facilities. The analysis of «negative» experience allows us to identify risks and focus educational impact on them. In some cases, a preventive approach to exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation in everyday life was studied. A number of studies have been identified that focus on the effectiveness of cooperation between educational institutions and specialized organizations in the field of nuclear energy use and radiation safety. Among the most extraordinary models are the following: «socio-pedagogical problem (educational institutions) – technical support (service organization) –- expert assessment (regulatory authority)», «man-made accident – social problem – public involvement – formation of basic safety competencies – implementation of collective terms of reference» and «comprehensive public and governmental discussion». Analyzing the current state of research on the formation of competence in the basics of radiation safety of bachelors of secondary education, a number of little-studied aspects have been identified, namely: there is no unanimity in the requirements for the content of teaching RSB; the content and scope of RSB training for secondary school teachers of different subject areas remain unclear; the issue of formal regulation of ways to ensure the formation of competence in the basics of RSB remains controversial; there are no clear organizational and pedagogical approaches to organizing the formation of competence in the basics of RSB; there are no clear organizational and pedagogical approaches to the formation of competence in the basics of RSB.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE MODERNIZATION OF THE MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM 2024-01-03T12:30:11+00:00 Serhii DOVHAL Oksana BUTURLINA <p>The use of immersive technologies opens up many prospects for improving the quality of the educational process. According to scientific studies, immersive technologies improve students' spatial understanding and memorization, allowing them to experience learning from the first person, to see everything that is happening around them. Such technologies provide visual learning and contribute to students' overall understanding of more complex subjects, theories and languages. Some researchers single out several unique possibilities of virtual and augmented reality, namely immersion in a simulated environment, multimodal interaction, concretization of imagination. In general, according to most researchers, these technologies ensure the presence of users due to the high accuracy of the representation of three-dimensional virtual objects and the ability to simulate operations and procedures of abstract concepts. Currently, the Ukrainian education system is taking only the first steps in the direction of using immersive technologies. A fairly small number of Ukrainian educators have started using them in the educational process. Accordingly, the problems and prospects of introducing virtual and augmented reality technology into the educational process of Ukrainian educational institutions have not been sufficiently researched. This publication analyzes the impact of immersive technologies on the modernization of the modern education system. The essence of immersive technologies and their impact on the transformation of learning processes is revealed. Identified types of immersive technologies. The main problems of introducing immersive technologies into the educational environment of Ukrainian educational institutions are analyzed. The results of a sociological study, the purpose of which was to study the public opinion of teachers regarding the assessment of the impact of immersive technologies on the educational environment, identify problems and features of the introduction of these technologies into the modern education system, are presented. According to the results of a sociological study, the most common foreign and domestic AR and VR applications, which are used by teachers in general secondary education institutions and contribute to the effectiveness of learning processes, have been determined. The main trends of the further implementation of immersive learning in the modern education system of Ukraine are considered.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) FEATURES OF THE APPLICATION OF THE SCILAB MATHEMATICAL PACKAGE IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING THE DISCIPLINE «HIGHER MATHEMATICS» 2024-01-03T12:34:57+00:00 Nataliya KOVBA Anastasia KOVBA <p>The article notes that the choice of software is of great importance in teaching the discipline «Higher Mathematics». The complexity and type of tasks to be solved depend on the functionality of the selected program. It is emphasised that the methods of approximate, primarily numerical, solution are used. The methods of numerical solution of mathematical problems have always been an integral part of mathematics and have always been part of the content of natural-mathematical and engineering education. This article uses the Skilab math package as software. It is a multi-functional package designed for performing engineering and scientific calculations, which allows you to perform complex algebraic calculations, solve problems of differentiation and integration. All this contributes to the successful use of the Scilab mathematical package in the process of teaching the discipline «Higher Mathematic». The author draws attention to the fact that Skilab is a computer mathematics system designed to perform engineering and scientific calculations, such as: solving nonlinear equations and systems; solving linear algebra problems; solving optimization tasks; differentiation and integration; processing of experimental data (interpolation and approximation, method of least squares); solution of ordinary differential equations and systems. Skilab provides wide opportunities for creating and editing various types of graphs and surfaces. The Skilab system contains a sufficient number of built-in commands, operators and functions, and its distinctive feature is flexibility. The user can create any new command or function and then use it alongside the built-in ones. The article states that the use of modern mathematical packages significantly increases the intensity of cognitive activity, raises the level of mathematical preparation, improves the knowledge control system, and promotes learning motivation. The perspective of the development of the study of the use of mathematical packages is the development of a database on the issues of their use during the educational process, which should take into account the professional orientation of future activities. This approach provides a more effective application of interdisciplinary connections, which contributes to the in-depth study of the material and the expansion of opportunities for independent learning.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) CIVIL COMPETENCE OF A TEACHER IN THE LIGHT OF THE REFORM OF THE PRESCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM 2024-01-03T12:39:39+00:00 Larysa KULBACH <p>The article is devoted to determining the role and place of civic competence of a preschool teacher in the general system of teacher formation in the light of reforming the preschool education system. It was established that the basis of the new educational policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is the prioritization of preschool education as the foundation of an integral system of continuous education. Attention is focused on the fact that, aware of Ukraine's desire to establish itself on the world stage as a European democratic state, educators should understand the direction of internal transformations, in particular in the national education system: the New Ukrainian School is designed to educate a new generation of citizens who have civic values who make responsible decisions and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of Ukraine. The article analyzes the current legislative and regulatory framework for preschool education in the context of civic education, formulates a number of requirements and sets of tasks for the formation of civic competence of the teacher of the New Ukrainian School. It was established that the key industry document in the reform of preschool education, which brings it to a qualitatively new level, in the position of international standards of the quality of education, was the update of the state standard of preschool education (Basic component of preschool education); in particular, the basic principles of its implementation are identical to the principles of a democratic society, including: democracy, the direction of the educational process towards sustainable development and European integration processes in Ukraine, public administration, social partnership, etc. In the course of the study, it was proved that the challenges associated with the formation of a conscious citizen who professes democratic values, with a high sense of self-worth, an active civic position and responsibility, can be solved exclusively by a pedagogical community with a high level of citizenship, and formed civic competences of a teacher is a tool for expanding the opportunities for the development of his personality in the educational field, his promotion in social activities, the possibility of influencing social and state-level processes.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DEVELOPMENT OF ASSESSMENT AND ANALYTICAL COMPETENCE OF PRIMARY CLASS TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 2024-01-03T12:45:13+00:00 Svitlana MYKHAYLENKO <p>The article reveals the place of evaluative and analytical competence in the professional training of primary school teachers. The directions of previous research on the formation of the teacher's professional competence, in particular the development of evaluative and analytical competence, are indicated. It is noted that insufficient attention is paid to the development of assessment and analytical competence of primary school teachers in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education, so the topic needs to be studied. Examples of definitions of the evaluative and analytical competence of the teacher are given, the lack of a single approach to the interpretation of the defined concept is noted. The own definition of the assessment and analytical competence of the primary school teacher is formulated. An analysis of the professional standard was carried out for the professions «Teacher of primary classes of a general secondary education institution», «Teacher of a general secondary education institution», «Teacher of primary education (with a diploma of a junior specialist)», a study of the labor functions and professional competences of the teacher was carried out for the purpose of combining them with evaluative - analytical competence, on the basis of which the place of evaluative and analytical competence in the professional training of a teacher is determined. The analysis of the standard of higher education in the specialty 013 Primary education for the first (bachelor) level of higher education was carried out in relation to the implementation of issues of the development of evaluative and analytical competence of future teachers and educational and professional training programs for bachelors in the specialty 013 Primary education of ten pedagogical institutions of higher education of Ukraine, which occupy the highest positions in the consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2023, on the subject of compliance with professional and educational standards and ensuring the formation of evaluative and analytical competence of graduates. According to the author, in most educational and professional programs, insufficient attention is paid to the development of the evaluation and analytical competence of future teachers, in particular the analytical component. The perspective of further research is the study of the Ukrainian and international experience of primary school teacher training and the development of recommendations for the development of the evaluative and analytical competence of future teachers in the process of their professional training in institutions of higher education.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT-METHODICAL PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS-PHILOLOGISTS 2024-01-03T12:49:56+00:00 Ganna CHUKH <p>The article examines the problem of developing subject-methodical professional competence of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature in the context of STEM education. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of language and literature school disciplines to STEM education. This is important for a teacher to participate in the formation of STEM competencies during language and literature lessons defined by the Concept of the Development of Science and Mathematics Education. The author considered forms of work on the formation of subject-methodical professional competence of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, and foreign literature in the context of STEM education in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The content of such activities during advanced training courses is specified. There is a list of literary works in the article, which is advisable to work effectively on the formation of STEM competencies. The author defined topics of school programs and examples of tasks based on some works of the course «Ukrainian literature», and the integrated language and literature course «Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, Foreign literature», based on which it is advisable to form STEM competencies: cognitive skills, scientific literacy; information processing skills, creativity – qualities that contribute to the creativity of education seekers; the ability to make creative functional decisions, innovativeness; communication skills - effective teamwork, ability to be a leader and executor, etc. Consideration of the problem of the development of the subject-methodical professional competence of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature in the context of STEM education will contribute to the improvement of the process of improving the qualifications of teachers of philological disciplines and teachers' awareness of the importance of combining the efforts of participants in the educational process in the formation of the necessary competencies of schoolchildren, stimulates inquisitiveness and supports the interest in education of students, forms in students a scientific worldview, the ability to perceive, analyze, interpret, and critically evaluate information.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DISTANCE EDUCATION IN 2020-2023: WHAT CAN BE LEARNED FROM THE ACADEMIC LITERATURE? 2024-01-03T12:55:35+00:00 Adalbert BARAN Ilona HUSZTI Ilona LECHNER <p>The article is devoted to the problem of distance education at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. The relevance of the topic is justified from the point of view of pedagogy, as is its application in the educational process. The topic is timely for improving the quality of the educational process. The purposes of the article include giving insights into the academic literature on distance learning, as well as highlighting its positive impacts on education processes. The works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, outstanding experts of the field and the topic, as well as their important scientific achievements are analyzed and emphasized. The article examines and explains the content of the term «distance learning». The definition of a type of distance learning is given, «emergency remote teaching» (ERT). The main differences between traditional, in-person teaching and online, distance learning are underlined. It is the physical presence that plays a crucial role, because while in face-to-face teaching the teacher and the students are practically in the same place, in online or distance learning this disappears as participants of the educational process might be physically hundreds and thousands of kilometres away from each other. The notion and applicability of the «flipped classroom» is also discussed in the article. It is determined that assessment of students’ knowledge can cause real difficulties for teachers and tutors. Marking written assignments needs special attention on the teachers’ part. Useful practical tips for teachers have been provided based on the academic literature. It was concluded that in Ukraine, neither teachers, nor students were prepared for the unfamiliar demands of distance learning. However, in the course of time both groups got accustomed to them and acquired the necessary skills successfully. Prospects for further research may be focusing on e-learning and its possible implementation in tertiary education in Ukraine in normal and extreme circumstances (e.g. in the time of war). The work is important for teachers, researchers and students studying the problems of distance learning.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) EDUCATIONAL TOURISM IN GREAT BRITAIN 2024-01-03T13:00:06+00:00 Oleksandr NAROVLIANSKIY <p>The article is devoted to the organisation of educational excursions in the UK and their role in the educational process of secondary schools. The purpose is to analyze the existing experience of organising school trips and to identify opportunities for using this experience in modern education in Ukraine. The historical origins of educational excursions are identified. The results of surveys and other studies conducted in the UK to determine the attitude of teachers to excursions as an element of the educational process, as well as the problems that arise in their organisation, are highlighted. Current experience of conducting excursions in various subjects - history, geography, natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, computer technology.&nbsp; The article identifies the most popular educational tourism sites in the UK and highlights the methods used to organise school tours (specially designed tours related to the school curriculum, master classes, workshops, etc.) It is noted that special educational and training centers have been set up at certain facilities to conduct training sessions. It is noted that in Britain, excursions to government facilities such as the Parliament, the Royal Palace, the residence of the head of government, and the court have become widespread. It is determined that most museums and other visitor attractions establish preferential conditions for receiving groups of schoolchildren or provide opportunities for free visits. The problems that hinder the development of educational tourism at the present stage of development, in particular, lack of funding, are identified. The role of charitable foundations in the development and support of school excursions and the directions of their activities are highlighted. The experience of involving business structures, in particular Hyundai, in supporting educational tourism is analyzed. The unique experience of parliamentary support for educational tourism through the development of special bills on outdoor education, which are at different stages of consideration by the parliaments of Great Britain, Scotland and Wales, is indicated. The elements of experience that can be used in domestic education are identified.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) INTEGRATION OF HISTORICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY INTO THE INFORMATION CULTURE OF THE ENGINEER OF MODERN SOCIETY 2024-01-03T13:04:24+00:00 Anzhelika SAVYCH <p>The article examines the issue of changing the very paradigm and model of the information society. There was a need to ensure a balance between the dynamic changes occurring in nature and society, the entire environment, the increased amount of information, and the rapidly developing information and communication and information technologies. Information comes to the fore. The most important indicator of the information society is that each of its members has equal rights and opportunities to freely produce and timely receive any information that interests him, except for cases limited by law. The foundation of this process is the information culture of society. The concept of “information culture” was formed in the second half of the twentieth century in connection with close attention to the mechanisms and processes associated with information exchange. From the point of view of cultural studies, information culture characterizes culture in terms of information which has been accumulated, processed and transmitted within its framework. Information culture is an integral part of a broader concept, such as – «personal culture». Personal culture is defined as a system of personal qualities (mind, character, imagination, memory) recognized by the individual as values established and valued in society. This is in a broad sense. And in a narrow sense, it is the ability and need of a specialist to use available information opportunities for a systematic and conscious search for new knowledge, its interpretation and dissemination. This means that information culture should be seen as one of the aspects of cultural activity in general and therefore it is inextricably linked with the «second nature» (social nature) of a person and acts as a product of their mental abilities. Depending on the subject who acts as a carrier of information culture, the latter can be considered at three levels: information culture of the individual; information culture of individual community groups (a certain society, nation, age or professional group, etc.); information culture of society as a whole. Nowadays, the state's innovation policy and the introduction of new technologies require increasingly complex solutions aimed at the development and transformation of the techno environment and the whole world. It is possible that in the era of globalism and technicism, the approach seems legitimate. In our time of electronic technology and enormous opportunities, there is a temptation to feel like the Creator. When a person, guided by their knowledge and skills, the achievements of civilization, science and technology, allows themselves to decide their fate and create something new, even for themselves such living creature, then the question naturally arises about the mechanism for containing and regulating such inventions and research, which could lead to the death of humanity (the discovery of the neutron bomb, for instance). Therefore, the role of information culture, which manifests itself in human information ignorance, is great. By information behaviour we understand a course of action, a set of efforts made by a person to obtain, assimilate and use and create new knowledge, its transfer and dissemination in society. The information behaviour of specialists becomes the basis for social differentiation. Historically the causes of social inequality were associated with the origin and availability of civil rights, property and income, position in the social structure of society, but at present the level of information culture, manifested by information behaviour, becomes a factor of hierarchy. Sustainable greening culture is a transition to an ecologically oriented culture, which enables a person to preserve their environment and survive physically and spiritually. The anthropological dimension of culture comes to the fore. Culture should ensure the integrity of a person, their health and happiness in conditions when many factors of scientific, technical and social development destroy this integrity, negatively affect the health of a person, and prevent the achievement of their happiness.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION OF PRESCHOOL INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 2024-01-03T13:08:57+00:00 Irina KUZAVA Lyudmila LUKANOVA <p>The article defines and substantiates modern scientific and practical aspects of the organization of inclusive education of preschool children with different levels of psychophysical development in Ukraine: creation of favorable social conditions for the development of preschool children with psychophysical developmental disorders (corrective and developmental work aimed at overcoming the consequences of psychophysical disorders and formation of healthy children's adequate ideas about peers with psychophysical disorders, as well as leveling the consequences of cognitive, social and emotional deprivation), as well as providing them with equal rights in receiving educational services; determination of the structural and content features of inclusive education (use of adequate and specific forms of its organization, strengthening of the individually differentiated content of education and its focus on the formation of the child's life skills); creation of a holistic model of implementation of inclusive education in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, which provides the conditions for its effectiveness, based on system-complex and child-centered approaches; reflects the structural-functional and social orientation of the educational process; provides for the organization of education taking into account the level of psychophysical development and cognitive abilities of preschool children. It was found that it is in the preschool age that there is a unique opportunity to overcome the consequences of a certain sensory or intellectual impairment, to avoid the formation of a special position among healthy peers by normalizing the life of the child in the family and including the parents in the process of (re)habilitation. A number of problems in the implementation of inclusive preschool education have been identified: an insufficient share of the network of special preschool education institutions (groups) based on the place of residence of children with psychophysical development disorders; insufficient staffing; unpreparedness of preschool education institutions for inclusion (psychological and professional unpreparedness of teachers regarding the perception and work of children with psychophysical disorders, lack of material and technical equipment, etc.); lack of software and methodological support for inclusive education of preschoolers with psychophysical disorders; insufficient consolidation of efforts of specialists, parents, scientists in the field of organization of medical, psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers with psychophysical disorders; the presence of interdepartmental barriers in the organization of joint education and upbringing of preschoolers; monitoring the results of joint education of children with psychophysical development disorders with healthy peers; lack of a system of early diagnosis and comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical support. The activity of the separate preschool department «Sonechko» of the Krupiv NRC is analyzed - a new type of institution that provides comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with complex disorders of psychophysical development of early and preschool age.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) AND THE BOOK GRACIOUSLY ENTERED THE UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM... (A REVIEW OF THE TEXTBOOK BY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES SVITLANA CHEREPANOVA «PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. LECTURES. WORKSHOP», LVIV: PROSTIR-M, 2023) 2024-01-03T13:13:04+00:00 Olesia SMOLINSKA <p>The article presents the content of a review of the new textbook «Philosophy of Education. Lectures. Workshop» by Doctor of Philosophy Sciences Svitlana Cherepanova, intended for master's students of specialty 011 «Educational, Pedagogical Sciences». The relevance of the publication, structuring features, author's novelty and specifics of using the peer-reviewed publication in the educational process of the magistracy are noted.</p> 2024-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)