Academy of Continuing Education Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration2024-12-20T10:21:37+00:00Гонік Є.Г.onbic@i.uaOpen Journal Systems<p><img src="/public/site/images/visnuk_admin/титул_Вісника_-_ПУА.png" width="269" height="359"></p> <p>"Bulletin of the Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education", "Public Management and Administration" Series, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine from 11/19/2021, Certificate of state registration of mass media: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">KV series No. 25052-14992Р</a>. The magazine is intended (orientated) for scientific, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers of institutions of various types and forms of ownership, graduate students, students and everyone who is interested in scientific issues in public management and administration.</p> <p>By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 27.04.2023 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">№491</a> "On decisions on awarding academic degrees and conferring academic titles and amending the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine" the publication is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category "B", field of science: Public Administration; specialty - 281. </p> <p>We invite you to cooperate.</p> OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SOCIAL SPHERE AS A MECHANISM OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION2024-12-20T10:09:19+00:00Kateryna ROMANENKO visnyk@dano.dp.uaSofiia ISAIEVA<p>The analysis of domestic sources has provided a basis for defining the conceptual foundations of strategic planning in the social sphere as a pivotal mechanism of public administration. This analysis underscores the significance of the public administration mechanism as a core concept for understanding and examining the phenomenon. By adopting this perspective, strategic planning for the development of the social sphere is interpreted as a multifaceted and intricately structured management tool employed by public authorities and local self-government bodies. This tool encompasses a range of critical elements, including the process of goal-setting in public administration activities, thorough analysis of the management object and the methods used to exert public administration impacts, identification and allocation of resources necessary for the development of the management object, and the establishment of effective pathways for utilizing these resources within the development management process. The study substantiates that strategic planning belongs to the category of systemic mechanisms within public administration, serving as a framework for organizing and optimizing governance processes. Its systemic nature allows for the integration and alignment of various elements of governance, ensuring coherence across policies and actions. Accordingly, strategic planning in the social sphere as a mechanism of public administration is conceptualized as a comprehensive and cohesive system. This system integrates all components of State policy in the social sphere, grounded in the definition of long-term strategic goals that guide its development. By doing so, it fosters consistency, coherence, and orderliness in the regulatory and developmental activities of public authorities and local self-government bodies. Furthermore, this approach ensures the alignment of short-term actions with long-term objectives, enabling a stable and structured regulatory influence on the social sphere. Such influence is directed toward achieving the State's strategic vision for social development, addressing the dynamic needs of society, and promoting equitable resource distribution. Through its holistic and integrated approach, strategic planning facilitates the harmonization of diverse policy areas, maximizes the efficient use of resources, and encourages the adoption of innovative governance practices. In essence, it acts as a strategic compass, guiding public administration efforts to enhance the well-being of citizens and foster sustainable societal progress over the long term<strong>.</strong></p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) OF THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION2024-12-20T10:08:51+00:00Nataliia SHEVCHENKO<p>The article is devoted to the evolution of the main concepts of public administration, which is considered through the prism of the historical periods of the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, and the emergence of capitalism. The author analyzes how approaches to management changed in the context of social, economic, and political transformations, and also considers how these changes were reflected in modern concepts of management science. Public administration is a key element in ensuring the effective functioning of state institutions, since the ability of the state to solve complex problems, maintain stability, and ensure development depends on its quality. The article emphasizes the importance of ethics, human rights, and democratic principles, which remain relevant for effective management today, in particular in the context of globalization, the development of information technologies, and social transformations. The study of the concepts of T. Aquinas, N. Machiavelli, D. Diderot, S. Montesquieu, I. Kant, and G. Hegel allows us to establish the relationship between historical theories and modern approaches to public administration. T. Aquinas's ideas about the harmony between faith and reason, as well as the need for moral principles in governance, find their application in the modern fight against corruption and abuse of power. N. Machiavelli's ideas about the state as an organic system that depends on the attitude of the people and the ability of rulers to achieve results, are of profound importance in the context of today's challenges. I. Kant's ideas about the autonomy of the individual and freedom, as well as H. Hegel's ideas about the importance of implementing laws through educated and conscious officials, are of great importance for the development of ethical governance. In general, the article demonstrates how historical concepts of public administration form the foundations of modern management theory, contributing to the improvement of management practices in the context of global changes, social and political transformations. The key trends in the development of public administration are identified, and the need to improve management methods and principles for effective adaptation to a changing environment is substantiated.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) AND MODERN APPROACHES TO PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS2024-12-20T10:09:51+00:00Oleksandr SHEVCHENKO<p>The article examines in detail classical and modern approaches to the analysis of public policy, which cover a wide range of aspects and methods of studying political processes. The author emphasizes that each of the approaches contributes to a deeper understanding of various aspects of political dynamics and interaction between different actors. The institutional approach highlights the importance of formal and informal rules, norms, organizational structures and mechanisms that determine the behavior of political actors and ensure the stability and effectiveness of the implementation of political decisions. This allows us to build a clear picture of how institutions influence decision-making and contribute to the harmonization of political processes. The behavioral approach, in turn, emphasizes the human factor, which is important for understanding social interactions, motivations and actions of individuals that directly or indirectly affect policy formation. The network approach focuses on the analysis of the interaction of numerous actors in the political process, which is extremely relevant in the context of globalization and the growing role of civil society. It provides an opportunity to analyze the interaction between state bodies, private entities, public organizations and international actors. The ethical approach is an important tool for analyzing compliance with moral and legal standards in political governance, helps to promote the formation of fair, transparent and accountable mechanisms for making political decisions, orienting them to ensuring the common good and preserving the rights and freedoms of citizens. The involvement of ethical principles in the political process helps to strengthen trust in state institutions, prevent corrupt practices and improve interaction between the state and civil society. It is concluded that each of these approaches makes a unique contribution to a comprehensive understanding of public policy, offering different tools and perspectives for the analysis of political processes. The interaction of these approaches allows creating a multidimensional model of studying political decisions, which contributes to the formation of more effective, fair and sustainable mechanisms of public governance.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) OF THE MECHANISM OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES AS A DRIVER OF ECONOMIC AND HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT2024-12-20T10:14:11+00:00Valerii MARENICHENKO visnyk@dano.dp.uaNataliia PIDLEPIAN<p>The terminological apparatus of the research is defined. In particular, it was noted that human capital, to a greater extent, refers to the knowledge, skills, experience and abilities of people that can bring economic benefits. Human capital is measured in terms of labor productivity and can influence economic growth. Human potential, on the other hand, is a broader category that includes the capacity of an individual or group of people to develop, learn, create, and achieve goals. It is not only knowledge and skills, but also motivation, innovation, adaptability and social responsibility. The concept of state support as a tool for managing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is characterized. The foreign experience on the issue of state support for small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular, in such countries as the United States of America, France, and Japan, is analyzed. The influence of individual support institutions in these countries and their emphasis not only on financial and infrastructural support, but also on the development of human potential have been determined. It is proposed to improve the modern mechanism of public administration of small and medium-sized enterprises as a driver of the development of the economy and human potential by a set of actions, including the opening of information centers that provide consultations, educational resources and information about available support programs, the introduction of special programs aimed at the development of entrepreneurship in regions with low level of economic activity, development of applications that teach entrepreneurship through interactive elements, ensuring financial literacy of the population through the creation of courses on financial management, planning, accounting and budget management, use of modern analytical tools to study consumer trends and market needs, development of models for forecasting changes in the market environment, organizing events that help entrepreneurs cope with stress and emotional difficulties, creating groups to discuss problems and successes that can be useful for the entrepreneur's personal development, and other activities.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) POLICY IN THE SPHERE OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY: THE SWEDEN EXPERIENCE2024-12-20T10:15:30+00:00Hennadii KAZAKOV<p>The article analyzes the Swedish experience of state policy in the field of the music industry. The focus on Sweden is due to its effective state support for music initiatives, which contributes to the development of the creative sector, economic growth and cultural identity. Taking into account the active development of the music industry of Ukraine in recent years, we believe that studying the developments of the Swedish government will contribute to the development of the Ukrainian music sector. The main goal of the article is the analysis of the Swedish state policy in the field of the music industry, as well as the identification of effective mechanisms and tools that can be adapted for use in Ukraine. The study is aimed at identifying the key elements of support that ensure the sustainable development of the music industry.</p> <p>The work emphasizes that the Swedish policy regarding the music industry is characterized by a comprehensive approach and covers all areas, starting from music education, ending with national music awards, festivals, creating tax incentives and providing grants to individual music industries. The functioning of the extensive state apparatus aimed at the support and development of the music industry is indicated. A number of political practices, which are being implemented in Sweden today and which would contribute to the development of industry in Ukraine, are given. This approach contributes to the fact that today the Swedish music industry is among the top 3 in the world.</p> <p>The results of the study indicate that Sweden's experience in state support of the music industry is extremely valuable for Ukraine. The adaptation of Swedish models can help Ukraine create effective support mechanisms, contributing to the development of the cultural sector, increasing competitiveness and enriching the country's cultural life. It is necessary to develop strategic programs that take into account the specifics of the Ukrainian context, as well as to actively involve all interested parties in the process of supporting the music industry.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) OF GENDER EQUALITY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2024-12-20T10:16:14+00:00Kateryna PANTILEIENKO<p>The article is devoted to the search for ways to develop, establish and improve the ways of gender identity in public administration and its impact on the formation of the future of a democratic state. The article examines the specifics of using the categories of gender and gender equality to ensure the future formation and efficiency of public administration in a democratic state with a sufficient social level and values. Within the framework of the fact that the process of economic, political and social regulation and development of the state is impossible without compliance with the established legal and legislative regulations. Ensuring equality of persons in the performance of duties and equal access to the exercise of citizens' rights with proper legal regulation does not always ensure and determine equality of men and women without regard to gender. The article formulates a hypothesis that proper gender equality without stereotypes and misconceptions with general and understandable features that are understood as equality in general, and clarification of some special features proper for the development of gender culture to distinguish it from other types of equality. The article reveals that there are different approaches to changes in public administration, but the gender approach, in which there are no clear distinctions between men and women, is developing. Gender equality is gaining momentum in its development and is an integral part of ensuring the general principles of equality of persons in all spheres of life in the absence of restrictions or privileges on the basis of gender, equal opportunities, non-discrimination, inviolability of equality of citizens in their rights on the principles of equal rights and freedoms. The article determines that public administration bodies are responsible for a stable and existing balance which cannot be changed in favor of one or the other gender. The article attempts to provide a scientific interpretation and trace the peculiarities of ensuring gender equality of rights and freedoms of women and men in Ukraine, and identifies possible factors for improvement.</p> <p>Among the solutions to pressing issues, it is noted that providing women and men with equal opportunities in cultural and social activities, education and vocational training, equal remuneration, and the opportunity to train gender advisers to implement gender equality in professional activities, education and the formation of gender culture among young people will lead to democratic changes in the country.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MECHANISMS IN THE PROCESS OF MANNING THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE2024-12-20T10:17:05+00:00Svitlana RYBKINAvisnyk@dano.dp.uaIhor CHUMAK<p>In recent years, Ukraine has faced a serious and extremely difficult challenge to its national security, which arose in connection with the aggression of a neighboring state. This aggression aims to undermine sovereignty, destroy territorial integrity, change the democratic constitutional system and harm other vital national interests of Ukraine. In the conditions of such aggression, equipping the armed forces takes on priority, since the country's defense capability and its ability to resist external threats depend on the effectiveness of this process. Studying the mechanisms of staffing the armed forces is an urgent task both for ensuring the proper functioning of defense institutions and for building a long-term national security strategy.</p> <p>The article examines in detail and compares various approaches to equipping the armed forces, which are used in world practice. Special attention is paid to analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of manning, including voluntary enlistment, contract service, mobilization, and mixed systems. The impact of various social, economic and political factors on the effectiveness of the functioning of these mechanisms was assessed. It was found that the effectiveness of recruitment often depends on the level of public trust in the state, legislative norms regulating this process, and the general level of preparation of the population for possible conscription.</p> <p>A significant part of the study is devoted to the analysis of the legislation of Ukraine regarding the staffing of the armed forces. In particular, legislative acts determining the procedure for mobilization, conscription and selection for military service were considered. A number of factors have been identified that affect the effectiveness of the implementation of these measures, such as legal gaps, administrative difficulties and public attitudes. Based on the conclusions of the research of domestic and foreign experts, a number of measures are proposed that can contribute to increasing the efficiency of the mechanisms of staffing the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among them are the improvement of legislation, increasing the motivation of military personnel, optimization of mobilization processes, and the use of advanced training and training methods. Thus, the presented study is a comprehensive review of existing approaches to the staffing of the armed forces and an assessment of their application in the Ukrainian context. It is aimed at the development of effective mechanisms that will not only meet modern challenges, but also ensure the country's permanent defense capability in the face of a long-term external threat.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES AS A FACTOR IN STRENGTHENING NATIONAL SECURITY 2024-12-20T10:17:50+00:00Andrii KULYK<p>The article deals with the concept of territorial community sustainability as the ability of local communities to ensure the continuous functioning of their infrastructure, public services and management systems under conditions of external and internal challenges. It was found that community resilience means the ability to quickly adapt to changes, respond effectively to an emergency, recover from a crisis, and maintain an adequate standard of living, while maintaining social cohesion, economic stability, and cultural identity. It was revealed that during the years of administrative reform, domestic scientists conduct research in various aspects of managing territorial communities, emphasize the favorability of territorial communities, along with the study of the concept of "sustainability of territorial communities", especially in the context of ensuring national security, little attention is paid. Given the growing risks associated with global challenges and internal difficulties, this issue has been found to require deeper and comprehensive research at an interdisciplinary level. In the conclusions of the studies, it was established that the stability of territorial communities is a key factor of national security, the ability of local authorities to act effectively in the face of various threats affects the overall stability and security of the country. It was emphasized that communities with a high level of resilience can not only maintain socio-economic balance, but also respond quickly to emergency situations, protect critical infrastructure, and counter internal and external threats. It was emphasized that in order to strengthen community resilience, it is important to provide autonomy to local authorities, invest in increasing the reliability of critical infrastructure, and actively involve citizens in decision-making even under conditions of social or economic challenges. This will ensure stability at the local level and contribute to the strengthening of national security in the face of modern global threats.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) THE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF COMMUNITIES UNDER MARTIAL LAW 2024-12-20T10:18:31+00:00Nataliia VOLKOVA<p>The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of ensuring the financial viability of communities during martial law and during the period of economic recovery after the war. It is noted that the problem of ensuring the financial viability of communities in the context of decentralisation and martial law is quite relevant. Now, in difficult wartime, territorial communities need to create conditions and financial support from the government of the country for local governments to perform their functions. The unprecedented destruction of infrastructure, forced migration, reduced tax revenues and increased expenditures on social protection and defence have become challenges for community budgets.</p> <p>The purpose of the article is to summarise the theoretical provisions, highlight the prospects and opportunities for ensuring the financial viability of communities under martial law based on the study of regulatory and legal changes in the budgetary sphere of Ukraine.</p> <p>The study focuses on financial instruments to support territorial communities. It is emphasised that ensuring the financial viability of communities during martial law is critical for maintaining the vital activity of regions and providing necessary services to the population. The paper describes both traditional financial instruments (local preferences, subventions, subsidies, horizontal equalisation of tax capacity) and the latest digital financial instruments. The author notes the interpretation of the concept of financial capacity of a community in a broad sense (as a combination of budgetary capacity, financial capacity of households and financial capacity of business entities) and in a narrow sense (as indicators of budget execution of the respective community).</p> <p>The article emphasises the importance of strategic planning documents that will determine the mechanism for financing recovery at the local level - regional strategies, community development strategies, and action plans created on the basis of the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021-2027. The article presents the results of the assessment of the financial capacity of territorial communities in Ukraine. It is noted that even during the war in Ukraine there are prerequisites for the development of the economy of territorial communities through the involvement of business entities.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) MANAGEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS IN THE DUAL EDUCATION SYSTEM: PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES2024-12-20T10:19:10+00:00Svitlana ZHYVOTOVA<p>The article considers the problem of ensuring the quality of training of qualified specialists in vocational education institutions using the dual form of training. The dual education system, which is based on a combination of theoretical training in an educational institution with practical activities on the basis of enterprises and institutions, is becoming increasingly relevant for the modern vocational education system, which aims to train competitive specialists who are able to adapt to the needs of the labor market and effectively perform professional tasks. At the same time, managing the quality of vocational training in such a system requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account pedagogical, organizational and technological aspects. The article analyzes the main pedagogical principles that underlie ensuring the quality of vocational training in dual education, such as the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the development of a competency-based approach, and the individualization of training. It is emphasized that effective training of specialists in a dual education system is possible only under the condition of close cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises-employers, which ensures the flexibility and relevance of the educational process. In particular, the article examines the role of employers in developing and adjusting curricula, assessing students' professional skills, and providing conditions for their practical activities. Special attention is paid to the need to adapt pedagogical technologies for dual education, taking into account the specifics of professional training of specialists in industries where practical experience and direct familiarization with real working conditions are important. The use of innovative technologies, in particular digital platforms for distance learning, learning management systems, and assessment tools, allows optimizing the educational process, ensuring constant monitoring of students' achievements, and timely making adjustments. Prospects for further research in the field of ensuring the quality of professional training in dual education are outlined.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) OF THE IMAGE OF A MODERN TEACHER AS A FACTOR IN INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN EDUCATION2024-12-20T10:19:49+00:00Yuliia LISNIEVSKA<p>The article emphasizes that the task of pedagogical imageology is to build a comprehensive program of implementation and implementation of the image attributes of a modern teacher. The essence of the concept of the teacher's professional and pedagogical image is revealed and its features are characterized, which include not only external, but also internal professional qualities. The prerequisites for the formation of the teacher's image, the nature of his influence on the environment and the influence on the emotional and cognitive perception of students, colleagues and parents have been clarified. The characteristics of different types of image, the main components, such as verbal and non-verbal communication, and approaches to the classification of image types depending on the purpose and environment of its implementation are presented. The functions of the image and the stages of its formation, including strategic planning and adaptation in conditions of change, are considered in detail. The role of the teacher's image as an effective means of humanizing education and increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, which makes the educational process more comfortable and effective, is substantiated. The article also emphasizes the importance of forming the image of a modern teacher in the context of public education management. It is noted that the image of a teacher is not only a means of increasing his professional efficiency and authority, but also an important tool of management strategies in the field of education, which ensures the effectiveness of educational reforms. It is shown that the formation of a positive image helps to strengthen public trust in educational institutions, increase their reputation, and create an environment of cooperation and mutual support. In addition, a positive image improves communication between all participants in the educational process, increasing the level of mutual understanding and interaction. In particular, teachers with a high professional image are more often involved in the discussion of strategic decisions, take an active part in professional events and exchange of experience, which, in turn, contributes to the general improvement of the quality of education. Open and trusting communication between the participants of the educational process allows to solve problems more effectively, avoid conflicts and create a common vision of ways of educational development.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) ADMINISTRATION METHODS TO ENSURE THE STABILITY OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION UNDER MARTIAL LAW2024-12-20T10:20:26+00:00Lidiia RADOVSKA<p>The article examines the peculiarities of the modern educational environment of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law, in particular, the problems and challenges that arise during the educational process against the background of military operations. The author focuses on the impact of air raids, shelling and other forms of military danger on the organization of education, as well as the specifics of training in these conditions. One of the important aspects is educational migration, in particular, the movement of students and teachers both within the country and abroad, which became a necessity in the war. Special attention is paid to various forms of education, which have become the main format in many educational institutions during crisis situations, in particular, in conditions of continuous hostilities. Methods and ways of solving educational problems are studied, which are able not only to stabilize, but also to improve the quality of education as a whole, taking into account limited resources and difficult conditions. The methods of public administration regarding the support and development of the educational process are considered, which allow to ensure the continuity of education and the adaptation of educational programs to new realities. The author notes that the military actions led to significant economic, political and physical destruction in the educational sector of Ukraine. Educational institutions suffered both structural and technical damage, which endangered the normal functioning of the educational process in many regions of the country. The article is aimed at identifying effective management methods that allow you to adapt the educational system to crisis circumstances, maintain the continuity of the educational process and provide the necessary conditions for the work of educational institutions, ensure the flexibility and stability of educational organizations in emergency situations. Attention was focused on the issues of adapting curricula and programs, introducing distance learning, ensuring the safety of participants in the educational process, and organizing training in conditions of air raids and shelling. Based on the analysis of the current situation, the article offers recommendations for the heads of educational institutions to effectively respond to the challenges of martial law and minimize the negative consequences for the quality of education.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION IN POST-COMMUNIST EU COUNTRIES2024-12-20T10:21:01+00:00Yevheniia SHYPITSYNA<p>The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the processes of reforming public administration in the field of general secondary education in the post-communist countries of the European Union, in particular in Estonia, Poland and the Czech Republic, in the context of their socio-economic transformation and integration into the European space. The article examines the main challenges that these countries faced after the fall of communist regimes, in particular the need to restructure centralized, often ideologically loaded education systems that do not meet modern requirements. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of adapting education to new economic, political and social realities, as well as on increasing its competitiveness in the context of globalization and European integration. The experience of reform in Estonia, Poland and the Czech Republic is studied, where innovations in the field of digitalization, decentralization of management processes and adaptation of educational programs to modern requirements have been successfully implemented. A comparative analysis of the results of these countries in the international PISA 2018 and 2022 rankings highlights the different levels of effectiveness of the reforms, resilience to global challenges, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of socio-economic changes. It examines how each country adapts its education management strategies to new conditions and ensures the quality of education, which is important for their integration into the European educational environment. A separate section of the article focuses on the current situation in Ukraine, where significant external challenges, in particular military operations and the pandemic, have significantly complicated the development of the education system. This has increased the need for structural and functional reforms focused on European standards of education quality. The article suggests focusing on the experience of post-communist EU countries, in particular in aspects of reforming public administration in education, to adapt the national education system to the requirements of European integration and global standards. </p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) AND TOOLS FOR ASSESSING ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE IN PUBLIC AUTHORITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALISATION2024-12-20T10:21:37+00:00Dmytro PYZYUK<p>The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the development and implementation of methods and tools for assessing organisational culture in public authorities in the context of digitalisation. The author substantiates the need to improve existing approaches to assessing organisational culture, taking into account the challenges of digital transformation of public administration. Scientific approaches to understanding the essence of organisational culture assessment in the digital era are analysed, existing methods and tools for such assessment are systematised, their limitations and shortcomings are identified in the context of modern requirements for organisational development of public authorities. An innovative method of dynamic cultural analysis in the context of digitalisation (DCAC) has been developed, based on a multi-level approach (individual, structural, organisational levels) to assessing cultural changes in real time. An algorithm for implementing the DCCA is proposed, which includes a preparatory stage, collection of basic data, setting up monitoring tools, data analysis, interpretation of results, periodic evaluation and improvement. The potential problems of implementing the method are identified and ways to minimise them are proposed. An innovative tool, the Digital Cultural Index of Adaptability (DCIA), has been developed, which allows systematically measuring the level of digital adaptability of organisational culture by assessing four key components: the level of digital competence, readiness for innovation, cultural support for transformation, and digital interaction. The algorithm for implementing the CCA and recommendations for overcoming possible barriers to its implementation are presented. The essence of the study is to develop a comprehensive approach to assessing organisational culture in the context of digitalisation, combining an innovative method and tool that takes into account the specifics of the public sector and modern requirements for the digital transformation of government. The practical significance of the results obtained is determined by the possibility of their use to improve the efficiency of organisational culture management in the process of digitalisation of public authorities.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c)